History has seen that marketing of a product has always been an essential aspect. This is the best way to get your brand name out and make sales. If we go a decade back, entrepreneurs used traditional marketing techniques to advertise their products. For example, ads in newspapers or magazines, T.V commercials, billboards, business cards, radios, etc. But today, there is a growing transition to digital marketing which primarily has its full focus on the INTERNET. To market the products digital marketing uses promotion techniques like social networks, own websites, etc.
Instead of having tit-bits of either of the two, a proportionate mixture of the two conventions seems apt. By combining traditional and digital marketing, you put the right ad in front of the right people and give them a reason to visit both your website and your physical store. Although both share similar goals, that is, to attract qualified customers and build brand awareness in the market yet the debate continues as to whether digital marketing is overpowering and surpassing traditional marketing or not.
One of the basic difference between the two is that digital marketing focuses on the web and the other focuses on media like print, television, radio, and direct mail. Since the former focuses on the web it is easily measurable, that is, you can find out the exact number of times your site has been visited, which page the customer liked the most, how long they surfed it and more. However, this is not the case with traditional marketing; It’s not easy to know how many people heard your radio spots or read your newspaper ad.
Digital marketing is also cost-effective as it gives your business the power to advertise effectively against larger competitors, reach a wider audience of qualified customers, generate new revenue and get the data you need to accurately measure your ROI (return on investment). In this way handling the accounts department of your firm becomes a cakewalk. But the same cannot be done using traditional marketing.
Now the period of printed sales flyer going viral is gone. These days we hardly hear any traditional technique going viral like the digital one. Like when your website content and digital ads appear on Google, Bing and Yahoo, also on the social networking site like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. your message and brand fall under the possibility of getting viewed by potential customers which will increase the effectiveness of your total marketing investment. This way the potential for the exposure increases tremendously again helping the business to prosper.
As a customer, we too get annoyed by the repeated phone calls from a particular firm or by the frequent visit of salesmen at our doorstep. This means that traditional marketing might become aggravating. But with the widespread exposure digital marketing produces many ways to target people who are interested in a particular product. Hence, Digital marketing sets a stage for customer engagement.
This will further give you the opinions of your customers, that is, the real-time results which will help in the refinement of your strategy that will lead to brand development.
In the present scenario, even if your firm does not sell online it must be found online if any customer is researching a purchase. Such is the power of digital marketing in the society. Therefore it can be concluded that digital marketing paves way for all kinds of businesses and also makes the consumers feel secured better than the traditional marketing.