SEO Ghana has been honored with an award at the MEA Markets’ seventh annual African Excellence Awards- 2024.

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Big News !!

SEO Ghana has been honored with  the prestigious award at the MEA Markets’ seventh annual African Excellence Awards- 2024.

We are happy to announce that SEO Ghana has won the African Excellence Awards 2024 for Most Reliable Digital Marketing Company in Ghana. This prestigious award emphasizes our dedication to quality, creativity, and major contributions to the economic growth of the African continent.

In its sixth year, MEA Markets has presented the prestigious awards program known as the African Excellence Awards. It honors companies that have made a significant contribution to the economic and social progress of Africa and celebrates their exceptional accomplishments. This year’s awards program addressed a wide range of companies in different industries and sectors, from start-ups to major international firms.

Seoghaa for the third time has been recognized for our unwavering dedication to Digital Marketing , showcasing our resilience and adaptability in the face of global challenges. This award is a testament to the hard work and commitment of our team, and our continuous efforts to drive innovation and excellence within the Digital Marketing sector.

The Company CEO, Evans T. Ampofo expressed, “We are incredibly proud to receive this prestigious award from MEA Markets.” In addition to honoring our accomplishments, this acknowledgment also celebrates our shared goal of promoting the growth and development of companies around the world. We are motivated to pursue our goals and keep improving the communities we work in by it.

Showcasing exceptional standards and accomplishments within the various business environment of the continent, the African Excellence Awards 2024 bring together the greatest minds in African industry. With the goal of honoring companies that are committed to the economic and social development of Africa, MEA Markets seeks to promote resilience and growth.

As we celebrate this significant milestone, SEO Ghana remains committed to pushing the boundaries of innovation and excellence. We look forward to continuing our journey, driving progress, and making meaningful contributions to the African business community.

For more information about the African Excellence Awards 2024 and the complete list of winners, please visit MEA Markets Awards.

About SEO Ghana

SEO Digital is a multiple award winning  creative media and inbound marketing firm operating from Ghana and the UK. Staffed by digital marketers and marketing professionals with international expertise, the company excels in digital advertising and social media marketing. Our mission is to improve search rankings, attract niche-based customers, and build brand trust for businesses in Ghana, Africa, and globally.

We specialize in
  • Digital Marketing
  • Media Advertising
  • Public Relation
  • Branding
  • Web & App Development
  • PPC Advertising
  • Social Media Management
  For more information, please visit SEOGhana.  

Global SEO And Local SEO – Understand Which Works Better For Your Business

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Global or International SEO is the international search engine optimization process which is intended to influence your online business presence to target the audience on worldwide levels. Global SEO services are the organic SEO services which are composed and targeted around global keywords/phrases. Not at all like the global SEO, local SEO procedure of improving the web business so it could be pitched and promoted in the local target people. There are a few kinds of local SEO services offered under the cost-effective SEO packages. These package arrangements will increment online business in internet searcher maps, Google maps, Google local posting and some more. When you are not kidding about influencing powerful base of your business in the local business to advertise, at that point selecting local SEO Company Melbourne would be the best intends to proceed. In one sentence, local SEO services are offered to make the more grounded business base in the local markets.

Make your site target Audience friendly:

When formulating a decent web SEM get ready for a site, the area of the business and its targeted audience group need to be considered to settle on the best advertising choices. At the point when just working in a specific location, is regularly not important to attract clients outside of that region which needs to be reflected in any strategies and efforts of optimization. Instead of sitting around idly and waste your energy on global advertising campaigns against other worldwide contenders, group organizations will improve by focusing all their efforts on achieving adjacent clients, the ones who really purchase the service or product.

Targeted Location Is Everything:

When promoting just to a territorial gathering of people, it is standard to utilize a town, city or other local names as a feature of the site’s name or URL. That territory name needs to be utilized however much as could reasonably be expected without trying too hard wherever possible, expanding the progressions when recorded of being shown for that inquiry. Put area names in keywords, Meta tags, meta descriptions and unquestionably inside the body content. All content needs to obviously stay intelligible and sound normal; though, the more places that the area is set, the better it is for local SEO campaigns.

Business Directory Listings:

Google, Bing, and Yahoo all offer free professional listing postings, which need to be utilized by each organization. These business-to-professional references are the web adaptation of a provincial telephone directory, giving postings where local clients can discover important data. Such a posting likewise builds the chances that an organization will come to a question that consequently restricts rivalry to organizations inside the quick region. Make efforts to incorporate a local organization posting on any zone registry so regardless of where individuals looking, that local organization’s name will be incorporated into the outcomes. Make sure that each branch or area of a similar business has its own particular website page with the goal that each different branch has its own particular registry posting.

Working towards right type of SEO:

Despite the fact that smaller organizations normally advertise just to a quick region, it is as yet vital to monitor overall SEO campaign, such changes in strategies and keyword ubiquity. Site analysis can demonstrate what terms are being looked and from what zones keeping in mind the end goal to enhance the positioning of keyword for a site; terms can simply be changed for the local. Obviously, attempting worldwide SEO efforts is flawlessly find and can even expand the believability of a location focused business.

Targeted Advertising:

Along with all the techniques said above, paying for some targeted marketing efforts can incredibly enable SEO since such advertisements to will just show when questions from inside a foreordained territory are put. It results in hits will expand page rank and return leads from the targeted regions where the purchasing will more probable happen. The principal thought of local SEO is that there is extremely no reason to utilize bigger assets that are essential while focusing on local areas will probably show signs of improvement for small ventures. All things considered, how much better it will be to contact Platinum SEO Services the perfect SEO Company Ghana doing the real buying than to achieve the whole world that won’t purchase in reality.

What You Didn’t Know About Social Media Marketing And Were Afraid to Ask

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This article has been prepared with the understanding that will allow you to build a foundation to serve your brand, your customers and helps achieve your business goals through the proper understanding of social media marketing. Bulleted are practical tools that would help you achieve success in your career as a social media marketer.
  • It’s important to listen to what your target audience is saying
Your social media marketing efforts will be way more effective if you listen more than you talk. Try and understand what your target audience is saying online, join in their discussions to get to know their views and truly feel what’s important to them. These insights will help you create relevant content that is engaging and will allow you to spark conversations that they will want to participate in.
  • Have a speciality and don’t be a jack of all trades
It’s always better to be great at one thing than be just about average in everything. A content marketing and social media strategy that is focused on one thing is known to have a better chance at success than a broader strategy that attempts to focus on everything all at once.
  • Quality is better than quantity
This is the case in real life as well. Quality is always better to have than quantity. On a social media set up, it is better to have 500 fans who share, read and interact with your content, rather than 1.5 million fans who connect with you just once and then disappear.
  • Success on social media doesn’t happen overnight
The process of seeing success on social media happens over time and is not an overnight thing. You need to prepared to commit to the long haul if you want to see lasting results in your campaign.
  • Focus on creating content that sells itself
Relevant content that is engaging and sticky and interests users will work on its own to be shared, commented on, liked and retweeted, by fans and followers. You won’t really have to do much after you create your content to propagate it. If it is valuable enough, your fans will do the needful and share it on their Facebook and Twitter pages, on their blogs and more. This discussion and sharing of your content allow search engines like Google to locate it in keyword searches, thereby offering an SEO perspective o your efforts too. This could snowball into more and more ways for your target audience to find you and interact with you online.
  • Spend time finding the right people to interact with
When you target the correct audience, they are more likely to interact with your set of products and services. There are certain online influencers who you need to locate, who have their own set of loyal followers. Targeting these influencers means acquiring access to their set of followers and widening your follower base too.
The importance and understanding of SMM will allow you to build a foundation that will serve your brand, your customers and helps achieve your business goals. Good Luck!

Basic Principles of Digital Marketing

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digital marketingWith unlimited amounts of content out there, it most likely shocks no one that an aggravating measure of this content is total garbage. successful digital marketing will separate itself from the garbage by laying its trees on strong, drawing in and shareable content. The Internet is free and accessible to everybody, so anybody can (and it can appear like everybody does) gather their own particular content and not the majority of this content is quality. This convergence of junk is the reason you need your clients to see your content as a sparkling reference point of light and dependability in a landfill of substandard waste. Try not to add to the rabble; set yourself apart by offering your clients important stuff. Need individuals to completely connect with your digital marketing message? Then, keep it straightforward. We mostly see possibly amazing digital marketing initiatives come up short just on the grounds that they got somewhat overeager and overcomplicated. Keep your message concise. Individuals have enough trouble in their lives. At the point, when given something simple, clients will delight in its simplicity. You need to know your client. This online marketing rule (Seo Ghana) may appear to be really fundamental, however, it is regularly lost in the battle to make the following ‘huge’ thought. The best edge is one that catches and enchants the consideration of your client by talking specifically, plainly, and as we’ve effectively expressed, basically to them. Ensure your effort focuses on your particular group of onlookers. Go excessively expansive and you will most likely miss your check and market. The larger part of clients visits your website to get the most fundamental of essential data, like area, address, email address and phone number. Ensure these essential points of interest are super simple to discover. Our world is constantly developing, and subsequently, so should our digital marketing You have to submit yourself to always planning to enhance and develop and we mean truly confer yourself. Put assets like time and cash aside for digital marketing R&D. You’ll see the best outcomes if you put aside around 10% of your opportunity to examine. If you would prefer not to get on board with next big bandwagon, you will need to put the time and exertion into estimating patterns and making your own, a considerably more lucrative approach than riding on the coat-tails of another brand’s genius.

Create A Strong Digital Presence For Your Business

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seoghana Having a digital presence is the necessary tool for every business enterprise in this age of information technology. Gone are the days of old-school publicity by word of mouth and print media. While these age-old avenues still act as a medium to reach out to your target audience yet it’s not all. Nowadays we are all present in the virtual world. The digital space drives content, boost your marketing strategies and drives customers to your business. It makes a business accessible to people of the remote areas. The whole world is the customer here. Now to drive up your content to an easy accessibility on the conventional search engines like Google, Bing etc. you need a proper website, which has the exact features to attract people. This includes good SEO content, website optimization and web hosting amongst many other features. Now, to build such a powerful website is not a child’s game. It requires good web development and digital marketing skills and expertise. Online marketing agencies serve this purpose. Similar to all other places, there is a notable share of competition amongst the online marketing agencies in Houston. However, the best online marketing agency in Ghana Seoghana is the one with a dynamic profile and an excellent customer feedback. The most probable question that comes to our mind when we hire a marketing agency is how they achieve the set target. The modus operandi or the mechanism of achieving a robust website is complex. It requires expertise on various levels. Moreover, the essential part is to know the basic requirements and the vision of the client. Thus, an e-commerce website has a different requirement than a regular IT company website or a healthcare company portal.

Mostly they work on chief four areas

  • Website designing (this is for new enterprises or old enterprises looking for a new website look)
  • Use of proper metrics and analytics to gauge the performance of your website,
  • Use of different techniques like SEO and others to generate more traffic to your website
  • Customer friendly web optimization to make it more swift and accessible to customers
This web optimization part plays a crucial role directing the correct set of audience to your website. It is essential to set up a target audience – say if your enterprise is for adolescent teenagers, then the audience is set to that age group. Demography is another crucial aspect. If you cater to the needs of a specific group or people from specific ethnicity or region then the location has to be set there. Based on this, the image optimization, categorization, content creation and SEO keywords settings are done. Thus, local search optimization is essential to create your brand awareness in order to establish you in the market. In this way, marketing agencies boost your digital presence and creates a niche role for you. With online marketing agency SEOGHANA you can get web traffic with minimal cost.

The market in Ghana: How newbies are overtaking brand giants.

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ghana products
Has it ever occurred  to you how quickly big brands that we have grown to know are giving way or dying to the competition of new brands in this 2017 digital world ?
The creme de la creme brands that has always become a household name and a  product category, what happened to some? In Ghana all toothpaste is included in the retail store and buyers refer to it as  pepsodent, all detergents as OMO, all beer as CLUB etc. Well as the sales agents say, It’s a game. and you have to give in your best shot! Let me explain how these newbies are overthrowing brand giants and how giants like coca-cola has learn to use analytics and big-data to ensure they are always ahead of the competition. To set you on the path, marketing as we all know is not the same again, it has taken a very fast and changing form and if your organization do not move with it , then it would  go down the drain. What has changed is that new brands are quickly adapting to the 21st century way of marketing and they are providing job slot for digital marketer and influential marketers. As the former brand giants continue to embrace the old ways of doing things, the newbies are constantly adapting to digital change and how it affect marketing. Marketing in principles has always contained four strong ‘P”s  that strongly influence how a brand thrives. These four “P’s are the product, price,promotion and placement. These four Ps connectively plays a major influence in the purchasing decision of a customer. In Ghana the most favored of the four P’s is the price.  I call it price per quantity because a typical Ghanaian would pay more for a large quantity of goods that is being offered at a low price. For example in my local grocery store at Kotobabi, there are two people who sells exactly the same groceries but you would always see people trooping into the other competitor to buy more. Why? because that competitor offers his products at a  wholesale price in order to be on top of the competition!! This is some form of smarketing by such  an individual although he is not a brand , but he is building a pool of customers as well as a way of facilitating FCMG using pricing. So what do I mean when I say big brands being swallowed up? To explain that I will bring up my idea that marketing has never being the same again since th 90s’, Elements that once form marketing is now being democratized with the advent of digital tools . The major annals or P’s to ensure a brand survival is by making effective use of of all the four P’s and thinking digitally. As in the case of Kleesoft and OMO and how the former has overtaken competition of the latter.How did they do it? some people would think it was through influential marketing,by using the popular footballer Asamoah Gyan. Yes, Influential marketing counts but it is a no new factor that the OMO industry isn’t aware about. Kleesoft has really made its penetration by adapting a marketing mix that effectively building awareness that we in the digital world are aware of. One thing you have to know is marketing is trend, if a brand rise, automatically, purchasers by word of mouth follow along to ensure it rise. it is like a synchronized affirmative. If a brand falls , everybody desist, people become aware of their environment and are constantingly adapting to new changes. So for a brand to put its head into the game, it has to put its head in digital world game and ensure feasibility of pleasing customers through the four P’s. Source: Seoghana | ET Ampofo

6 Types of Bosses and How to Work With Them (Infographic)

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bosses typesFrom a visionary to a commander, there are different types of bosses. By understanding the leadership style of your manager, you’ll be able to work with them better and create a path for success. If your boss is a “visionary,” then they’re likely dreaming big things but having trouble acting on their thoughts. To assist this type of leader, help them understand their goal and create a clear path to achieving it. Another type of boss is a “coach.” This person likes to motivate and push employees to reach their maximum potential. When working with them, it’s important to be honest, realistic and straightforward. If you’ve got a “pacesetter” for a boss, a person who likes to set challenges for their employees and expects the best outcomes, you should be prepared to work extremely hard and constantly update your boss on your progress. From the coach to the visionary, it’s important to understand your boss to ensure success. To learn more, check out Quid Corner’s infographic below. boxes types