Meta Removes 63K Instagram Accounts Linked to Sextortion Scams!

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Approximately 70,000 cumulative profiles, Pages, and groups have been removed from Facebook and Instagram as a result of Meta’s significant action against a well-known sextortion group operating out of Nigeria. Additionally, the mechanisms to prevent them from returning have been strengthened.

Meta says that these accounts were associated with a group called “Scammers,”.

These scammers originally relied upon the old “Nigerian Prince” type of scam, where they’d try to dupe unsuspecting marks with promises of riches. But more recently, they’ve switched to romance scams, where they create fake profiles, then convince their targets to share money and/or personal details to maintain the relationship.

Meta says :

”We removed around 63,000 Instagram accounts in Nigeria that attempted to directly engage in financial sextortion scams. These included a smaller coordinated network of around 2,500accounts that we were able to link to a group of around 20 individuals. They targeted primarily adult men in the US and used fake accounts to mask their identities. 63k profiles is a lot, and you can imagine how this group could look to use a coordinated effort of this size to intimidate targets.”

In addition to this, Meta also notes that it detected a coordinated network of around 2,500 accounts through a combination of new technical signals and processes. The majority of these accounts had already been detected and disabled by our enforcement systems, and this investigation allowed us to remove the remaining accounts and understand more about the techniques being used to improve our automated detection.

In other words, Meta has effectively been able to use this research to gain additional knowledge on the ways in which these ”Scammers” and other groups plan and collaborate in order to put pressure on users.

Which should put Meta in a better position to prevent such incidents in the future, but as is always the case, as detection systems advance, so do the strategies used by these groups. Although it’s still a cat and mouse game, Meta appears to have prevailed in some of the bigger, more significant (at scale) incidents overall, according to its continuous reporting.

Meta eliminated 5,700 groups and 1,300 Facebook pages that had been disseminating advice on how to pull off online frauds in addition to these profiles.

But again, the scammers will evolve, and in the age of AI, there are now all new vectors for them to tap into to initiate their schemes. Hopefully, Meta will also be able to evolve its systems in line, in order to maintain some kind of balance in enforcement.

What do you think about this initiative ?

Protecting Your Privacy Online: Things To Consider

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website securityProtect your privacy online

Cyber hackers and security threats

Protecting your privacy online is a critical area of concern for many individuals, especially when using a credit card. If you are worried about how much of your private information is online and vulnerable to theft, you’re not alone. Online has become an extensive playground for cyber hackers and security threats because users are increasingly sharing their private information online. Protecting your privacy online an important issue. How can you know that your private information is safe online? Knowing how to protect your website and yourself while online will ensure that your private data is kept private. All e-commerce websites require you to put in your credit card information, which potentially compromises data and allows hackers to get your information. How sure are you that your information is safe with the domain that you are using? There are ways to protect your personal information while still enjoying much of what the web has to offer. In this article, we shall consider basic things you need to know so that your financial and personal information is protected while you visit your favorite sites. Get to know the main goals of hacking and tips on how to evaluate website security. There are various goals when hacking websites, but the main ones are:
  • Exploiting site visitors.
  • Stealing information stored on the server.
  • Tricking bots and crawlers (black-hat SEO).
  • Abusing server resources.
  • Pure hooliganism (defacement).
  1. Protecting your privacy online means not sharing  everything about yourself on social media

A smart way to protecting your privacy online is by not sharing everything about you on social media. Providing too much information on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram could make it easier for cybercriminals to obtain identifying information. This could allow them to steal your identity or to access your financial information. For example, could an identity thief determine your date of birth, spouse’s name, information of your children, your location, travel plans, or your mother’s maiden name from your Facebook account? This information is sometimes used as security questions to change passwords on financial accounts. Unfortunately, many people don’t take this advice. In a 2018 study, the Identity Theft Resource Centre found that approximately 52 percent of respondents shared personal information through social media sites. To protect your online privacy, ignore the “About Me” fields in your social media profiles. You don’t have to let people know what year or where your hometown is located— which could make you an easier target for identity theft. You might want to limit who can view your posts to those you’ve personally invited. Create strong passwords, too, for your social media profiles to help prevent others from logging into them in your name. This means using a combination of at least 12 numbers, special characters, and upper- and lower-case letters. And never use personal, easy-to-guess information — such as your birthdate as your password.
  1. Look out for legitimate Domain

One of the most basic steps in checking the security of the website you’re visiting is taking a look at the URL. Many people fail to look up the URL of the website, especially if they’re already reading the content on the page. Others may give it only a basic glance–and if it looks right, they’re convinced. However, one of the most common scams simply mimics the existing content. The scam site copies the content exactly as it appears on the original page—aside from a few key details. In many cases, phishing sites use a very similar URL to the original. For example, instead of, it may appear as http[:]// The simple addition allows scammers to convince gullible individuals that they’re visiting the site they thought they should be on. As a result, they simply hand over their credit card information without hesitation. It’s important, therefore, that you take the time to carefully check over the URL before making a purchase. The “S” in HTTPS stands for “secured.” Websites with this simple logo indicate that they’re transferring information through an encrypted network. Not every site offers the secure technology of an HTTPS lock. If you don’t see the lock icon on the site you’re looking at, it means that HTTPS security isn’t working or that the site doesn’t offer that secure connection. And you most likely should take your shopping elsewhere.
  1. Browse in incognito or private mode

If you don’t want your computer to save your browsing history, temporary internet files, or cookies, do your web surfing in private mode. Web browsers today offer their own versions of this form of privacy protection. In Chrome, it’s called Incognito Mode. Firefox calls its setting Private Browsing, and Internet Explorer uses the name InPrivate Browsing for its privacy feature. When you search with these modes turned on, others won’t be able to trace your browsing history from your computer. But these private modes aren’t completely private. When you’re searching in incognito or private mode, your Internet Service Provider (ISP) can still see your browsing activity. If you are searching on a company computer, so can your employer. The websites you visit can also track you. So, yes, incognito browsing does have certain benefits. But it’s far from the only tool available to help you maintain your privacy while online.
  1. Browse with other search engines

If you’re like many web surfers, you rely heavily on Google as your search engine. But you don’t have to. Protecting your privacy online is one reason people prefer to use anonymous search engines. This type of search engine doesn’t collect or share your search history or clicks. Anonymous search engines can also block ad trackers on the websites you visit.
  1. Switch to a virtual private network

A virtual private network (VPN) protects your privacy online by creating a private network from a public internet connection. VPNs mask your Internet Protocol (IP) address so your online actions are virtually untraceable. Using a VPN is especially important when you’re on public Wi-Fi at a library, coffee shop, or other public location. A VPN will make it more difficult for cybercriminals to breach your online privacy and access your personal information. You can find many free VPN solutions, but if you want maximum privacy, pay for the service from a trusted security provider.
  1. Don’t click on just anything

One of the ways in which hackers compromise your online privacy is through phishing attempts. In phishing, scammers try to trick you into providing valuable financial or personal information. They’ll often do this by sending fake emails that appear to be from banks or credit card providers. Often, these emails say you must click on a link to verify your financial information otherwise you risk your account getting frozen or closed. Don’t fall for these scams. If you click on a phishing link, you could be taken to a spoofed webpage that looks like the homepage of your bank. But when you enter your account information, you’ll be sending it to the scammers behind the phishing attempt. Before clicking on suspicious links, hover your cursor over the link to view the destination URL. If it doesn’t match the financial website you use, don’t click. If you receive such an email, immediately log a complaint to your bank.
  1. Security Seals

Most eCommerce websites understand the critical importance of securing traffic to make their visitors safer. As a result, they frequently work with security providers to ensure they’re providing the highest possible level of website security. Each website security provider offers a scan seal or security seal option that can be viewed by users. Usually, this is in the form of an Iframe that can be placed on the protected website, letting visitors know that the website is credible. Any time you visit a new website for your shopping needs, take the time to check out its security seal.
  1. Use strong passwords for your mobile phones

Many of us spend more time surfing the web, and watching videos on our smartphones than we do on our laptops. It’s important, then, to put as much effort into protecting our online privacy on our phones as on our computers. To start, make sure to use passwords to lock your phone. It might seem like a hassle to enter a code every time you want to access your phone’s home screen. But this password could offer an extra layer of protection if your phone is lost or stolen. Make sure your password is complex. Don’t use your birthdate, your house number, or any other code that thieves might be able to guess. Use caution when downloading apps. Some games and productivity tools could come embedded with dangerous viruses. Only buy games from legitimate sources. Don’t ignore software updates, either. These updates often include important protections against the latest viruses. If you continue to ignore them, you could be leaving your smartphone’s operating system and programs vulnerable to attack.
  1. Use quality antivirus software

Finally, always install antivirus software on all your devices. This software can keep hackers from remotely accessing your personal and financial information, and tracking your location. And once you install this software, frequently update your antivirus protection. Do you want to know more about protecting your privacy online whiles having fun on your favourite sites? Do you want to have your website thoroughly checked for malware, suspicious activity, or want to know more about the threats we check for and how that information can benefit you, your website–or the websites that you’re visiting–contact us here.  

Grow Your Business In 2021 With Social Media Marketing

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What Is Social Media Marketing?

  Social media marketing first started with publishing where businesses were sharing their content on social media to generate traffic to their websites and, hopefully, increase sales. But social media has matured far beyond being just a place to share content. These days, businesses use social media in a myriad of different ways. Some ways in which businesses use social media are, monitoring social media conversations and analyzing their reach, views, likes, follows, engagement, and sales. Social media marketing is simply digital marketing that involves connecting with your audience to market your brand and boost sales for your business or company. Social media marketing activities involve publishing radically different social actions such as sharing short messages/texts, videos, media links, joining events/groups. It also involves the use of paid social media advertising to drive audience engagement, build brand awareness and increase sales. We’ve created this guide to help you understand the relevance of social media marketing and how to develop a compelling social media marketing plan for your business this year. The major social media platforms in 2021 are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, TikTok, and Snapchat

Why is social media marketing relevant in 2021?

Relevance of social media While it may seem overwhelming, the importance of social media cannot be overstated. It’s so important that 97% of marketers and 78% of salespeople are using social media for their business. Plus, its benefits extend far beyond increasing sales. However, not all businesses are aware of the benefits of social media marketing. 50% of small businesses aren’t using social media to promote their business. That’s an alarming number. Even more concerning is that an additional 25% don’t plan to use social media in the future either.

How Will Social Media Boost Your Business Online

Reach the right customers online with social media 1. Makes it easy to promote your business 2. Help you increase your clients reach 3. Promotes brand recognition and awareness 4. Increase traffic to your website 5. Build your conversions 6. Enhance communication and engagement with target audiences 7. It is mostly FREE! Do you now see the relevance of using social media marketing to boost your brand online and drive sales? Are you ready to get started with marketing on social media? Here are a few things to consider before you kick-start your social media marketing

1. Start With a Strategic Goal

Setting a strategy goal for your business online Social media strategy planning starts with identifying your brand’s goal. Maybe, you want to use social media to increase your brand awareness, generate engagement around your brand, or even drive website traffic and sales this year. Either way, your goals will define your content strategy and how much time and energy you’ll need to dedicate to your campaigns. Additionally, the goals you set for your business must be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound). Starting a social media marketing campaign without a strategy goal in mind is like going to visiting a new city without a map—you might have fun, but probably get lost. Second, research to know which social media platforms your competitors are and where they have their largest reach/following. Your competitors can provide valuable data for keyword research and other social media marketing insight. Start by creating accounts on the same platforms to beat the competition, but always do it better! You can also figure out which social media platforms you want to focus on. Aside from the major social media platforms, there are also social messaging platforms like Messenger, WhatsApp, and WeChat you can explore. Always start with a few platforms that you think your target audience is rather than to be on all platforms.

Here are quick questions to ask yourself when defining your social media marketing goals:

Why do I want my brand on social media? What am I hoping to achieve with my brand through social media campaigns? Who is my realistic target audience? Where does my target audience hang out and how would they use social media? What message do I want to send to your audience using social media marketing? Your business type should inform and drive your social media marketing strategy. Last, think about what type of content you want to share to attract your target audience best? Will they be images, videos, or links? Is it going to be informational, educational, or entertaining? With time, you can always change your strategy according to how your social media posts perform by tracking the data using analytical tools.

2. Plan and Create (curate) compelling content

Creating compelling content on social media for businesses in Ghana By now, you have managed to figure out your strategy goal through research and planning. But how about your content strategy? The next thing to consider after setting out your goal is to develop your content strategy with great, compelling, and innovative ideas. Publishing content to social media is as simple as sharing a blog post, an image, or a video on your personal Facebook or Instagram profile. But in this case, you will want to plan your content ahead of time instead of creating and publishing content spontaneously. Also, your content must be informative, educational, or entertaining depending on the goal you set for yourself in the beginning. Examples of content you can consider are stories, images, short-lived videos, and showing your audience the human behind the posts they see. To ensure you are maximizing your reach, always publish content at the right time and frequency. There are a variety of social media scheduling tools that can help you publish your content automatically at your preferred time. This saves you time and allows you to reach your audience when they are most likely to engage with your content.

3. Listen and Interact With Your Audience

Social listening will boost your business As your business and social media following begins to grow, conversations about your brand will also increase if you strategise well. One key to being successful in social media is to listen and interact with your audience. People will comment on your social media posts, tag you in their social media posts, or message you directly. Always find time to respond and address their concerns. This will show you are reliable and they can trust you for a quick response to your products. So what is social listening? Social listening involves tracking conversations around your brand and in your industry and using the information to review your marketing strategies. Social listening and interacting will help you understand your audience better, where they like to hang out, and what they like to talk about. It is simply finding out what people are saying about you. If you’re not using social listening, you’re leaving a lot of great insights on the table. Social listening and social monitoring are however two different things. Social listening involves what your audience does and social monitoring is about why they do what they do. People might even talk about your brand on social media without letting you know. So you will want to monitor social media conversations about your brand. If it’s a positive comment, you get a chance to surprise them. Otherwise, you can offer support and correct a situation before it gets worse. There are several social media listening tools out there that you can use, explore and find the one that best suits you and your budget.

4. Track your analytics

Tracking analytics on social media Along the way, you will want to know how your social media campaign is performing. Are you reaching more people on social media compared to months back? How much positive feedbacks do you get? How many people used your brand’s hashtag on their social media posts? The social media platforms themselves provide a basic level of such information. To get more in-depth analytics information or to easily compare across social media platforms, you can use a wide range of social media analytics tools. For example, Google Analytics can be used to measure your social media marketing techniques, as well as determine which strategies are better off abandoned.

Metrics you can measure with analytical tools

1. Reach
The number of unique accounts that have seen any of your posts.
2. Clicks
Refers to the number of clicks on your post or account. Tracking clicks per campaign are essential to understand what drives curiosity or encourage people to buy.
3. Impressions
The total number of times all of your posts have been seen.
4. Engagement
This refers to the total number of social interactions divided by the number of impressions and sheds light on how well your audience perceives you and their willingness to interact. It can also be measured by the number of times your post was liked, saved or commented on.
 5. Hashtag performance
What were your most-used hashtags? Which hashtags were most associated with your brand?
6. Saved
This refers to the number of unique users that saved your post.
7. Profile visits
Times your profile was viewed.
8. Following
The number of accounts that started following you. Having these answers can help shape the focus of your content going forward.

5. Advertising

Advertising on social media When you have more funds to grow your social media marketing, an area that you can consider is social media advertising. Social media ads allow you to reach a wider audience than those who are following you. These platforms are so powerful nowadays that you can specify exactly who to display your ads to. You can create target audiences based on their demographics, interests, behaviours, and more. When you are running many social media advertising campaigns at once, you can consider using a social media advertising tool to make bulk changes, automate processes, and optimize your ads. CONTACT SEO DIGITAL NOW TO HELP YOU DEVELOP A COMPELLING SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING STRATEGY Contact SEO Digital Ghana Now At SEO Digital Ghana, we use social media marketing to build your brand and boost your sales. Get all the benefits of social media with SEO Digital Ghana Now!

What is The SERP full Form?

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SERP full form is Search Engine Result page in which web crawler gives arrangements of results that we looked for an inquiry. When we looked they give you the Web pages, titles, Descriptions, URL(Uniform Resource Locator) and a lot more things with respect to the watchwords that we sought.

Each SERP is one of a kind. Despite for chase request performed on a comparable web searcher using comparable catchphrases or interest questions. This is in light of the fact that in every way that really matters all web records re-try the experience for their customers by appearing subject to a wide extent of parts past their chase terms, for instance, the customer’s physical region, examining history, and social settings.

Kinds Of SERP?

There are three Main types of SERP as following:

1. Google Spider Bot:

It is the main sort of Search Engine Result Page. Google Spider bot crept, looked and file the pages and after that, you can see the Results on the page. These are the Organic Searches you look for the catchphrase on the Search Engine and after that, it gave the Results with respect to your watchword.

Characteristic results are postings of webpage pages that show up in view of the web searcher’s estimation (more on this in a matter of moments). Website plan improvement specialists, normally known as SEO, have useful involvement in propelling web substance and locales to rank even more exceedingly in characteristic rundown things.

2. Physically Add :

The second type is the physical add it means that The pages that physically added to the Google Database by the Google group. Google Group containers many Developers that were controlling our data.

3. Paid Search Engine :

In this sort, Marketers pay to Google to put promotions on this to pick up Results on the page. There are numerous sorts of paid promotions appeared on Google. In 2012, just Text advertisements appeared on Google But Now all sort of promotions have appeared on Google.

The guide and expert asset are the fundamental results on this SERP that are not unequivocally paid results. This guide has shown up on a customer’s territory, and feature postings for neighborhood associations in Business Account.

Google My Business is a free library of associations that can empower more diminutive neighborhood associations (Local SEO) to extend their searchers subject to Geolocation. Scrutinize this blog passage for more information on Google My Business.

4. Featured Snippets

A Featured Snippet is data pulled from an outside site and showed in a case normally at the highest point of a SERP with a connection to the site the data was pulled from. Maybe the SERP highlight with the most elevated active clicking factor (CTR), the included piece is very significant for driving traffic, ingraining brand validity, and building up your image expert.

This included bit has an immediate connection to our previous site and possesses the principal position in the SERP. While Google’s execution of some SERP features- that give answers promptly to questions, for example, this- can decrease the measure of clients that navigate, they really hold great CTRs and drive traffic. In spite of the fact that the scan volume is low for the above inquiry, the CTRs are still at a high rate.

Four Major Benefits of Search Engine Optimization

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Search Engine Optimization is extremely important for the growth of your online business. It has the ability to take your business to the next level.

SEO is considered as one of the best marketing strategies which can help you to increase the number of visitors to a website. A business with a website and online presence is necessary for the growth and development of your business. Search Engine Optimization can again build brand awareness by implementing the best strategies to create fast, robust, and user-friendly websites that can help you to rank higher in the search engines.

There are several companies which offer a wide range of services such as keyword and keyphrase optimization, on-page and off-page SEO and many more. SEO Ghana can help you to get the best services at an affordable price.

Here are some of the major benefits of search engine optimization:

  • User-friendly website: It will help you to create a faster, smoother, and user-friendlier website. Always remember that a well-structured, clean, and uncluttered websites attract more visitors. The content which is optimized used to improve the user experience.
  • Customer Retainer: Search Engine Optimization is one of the most efficient and affordable marketing strategies and optimized website tends to attract more customers with it. It is beneficial to bring the targeted traffic to your website. It is the best marketing tactics you’ll ever use to attract these customers.
  • Better Conversion Rates: SEO optimized websites load faster and they are easy to read. It is important for you to understand that websites that are easy to read and navigate are most likely to grab the reader’s attention. They will help you to become your loyal customers, subscribers, and returning visitors. It exposes you to the entire market of individuals searching for you.
  • Built Brand Awareness: It is considered as an important strategy to build brand awareness. When your website appears on search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing that your customers will, more likely you play a significant role in making or breaking your brand.

These are some of the benefits of search engine optimization. Always remember that the business which has optimized website will achieve higher ranking in the search engine result pages. You must invest in SEO marketing strategy so that you can create an effective strategy for your business. It builds a strong web presence and bypasses your competitions to gain new customers for your business. Search Engine Optimization rankings have the ability that will help you to improve your website’s click-through-rate. It can make your website safe and secure and protect them from viruses and fraud. The benefits of SEO are endless and It can generate traffic, leads, and sales for your website. If you do not want to grow your business with techniques like cold calling, networking, or other forms of “push” advertising then you can invest in SEO campaign as it will be beneficial for your business.

What You Didn’t Know About Social Media Marketing And Were Afraid to Ask

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This article has been prepared with the understanding that will allow you to build a foundation to serve your brand, your customers and helps achieve your business goals through the proper understanding of social media marketing. Bulleted are practical tools that would help you achieve success in your career as a social media marketer.
  • It’s important to listen to what your target audience is saying
Your social media marketing efforts will be way more effective if you listen more than you talk. Try and understand what your target audience is saying online, join in their discussions to get to know their views and truly feel what’s important to them. These insights will help you create relevant content that is engaging and will allow you to spark conversations that they will want to participate in.
  • Have a speciality and don’t be a jack of all trades
It’s always better to be great at one thing than be just about average in everything. A content marketing and social media strategy that is focused on one thing is known to have a better chance at success than a broader strategy that attempts to focus on everything all at once.
  • Quality is better than quantity
This is the case in real life as well. Quality is always better to have than quantity. On a social media set up, it is better to have 500 fans who share, read and interact with your content, rather than 1.5 million fans who connect with you just once and then disappear.
  • Success on social media doesn’t happen overnight
The process of seeing success on social media happens over time and is not an overnight thing. You need to prepared to commit to the long haul if you want to see lasting results in your campaign.
  • Focus on creating content that sells itself
Relevant content that is engaging and sticky and interests users will work on its own to be shared, commented on, liked and retweeted, by fans and followers. You won’t really have to do much after you create your content to propagate it. If it is valuable enough, your fans will do the needful and share it on their Facebook and Twitter pages, on their blogs and more. This discussion and sharing of your content allow search engines like Google to locate it in keyword searches, thereby offering an SEO perspective o your efforts too. This could snowball into more and more ways for your target audience to find you and interact with you online.
  • Spend time finding the right people to interact with
When you target the correct audience, they are more likely to interact with your set of products and services. There are certain online influencers who you need to locate, who have their own set of loyal followers. Targeting these influencers means acquiring access to their set of followers and widening your follower base too.
The importance and understanding of SMM will allow you to build a foundation that will serve your brand, your customers and helps achieve your business goals. Good Luck!

How to Choose the Perfect Domain Name for your Business

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How much effort do you need to put while choosing a domain name for your business? Is it that important? Well, the answer is definitely a big yes. The domain name can make or break you. It is the key element of your website. Let’s see why it is that much important? It is the first impression: First impression is the last impression. Url is the first thing your users will see. A good and impressive website name makes a long lasting and positive impression. It highly affects SEO: While (EMD) exact match domains are no longer a need but having targeted keyword is still in demand. It helps in SEO ranking. It improves brand popularity: The right domain increases brand recognition. Now the question is how to choose a good web name? Easy over generic: Don’t forget, your domain name is how users and visitors will remember, find and share your business on the web. The site name is the foundation of your online presence and brand. Instead of having a new web name, it is better to go with an already existing domain. The existing site will definitely have high authority as compared to a new one. It will help in ranking good in the search engines. You can book the desired domain using several tools available like .in domain drop catch for India or if you are looking for the global market you can try .com drop catch. Easy to type: If I ask you to provide a list of 5 websites that comes first in your mind, your answer may be Google, Facebook, Amazon, Yahoo etc. Do you know why? Because these are easy to pronounce and type. Easy to type domain name saves users from mistyping and leads them to some other website. Never use numbers and hyphens: As I told you domain name should be easy to type and pronounce. Well, numbers and hyphens both make the domain name difficult. For example, let’s imagine Facebook. What if it had a hyphen in between Face and book (Face-book). Not good, right? So, never use hyphens and numbers while choosing a domain. Last but not the least, always choose the right domain extension. If your targeted audience is country specific that means if you are targeting Indian customers only, go with .in extension. These are some of the points one should consider while choosing a perfect domain name.

Basic Principles of Digital Marketing

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digital marketingWith unlimited amounts of content out there, it most likely shocks no one that an aggravating measure of this content is total garbage. successful digital marketing will separate itself from the garbage by laying its trees on strong, drawing in and shareable content. The Internet is free and accessible to everybody, so anybody can (and it can appear like everybody does) gather their own particular content and not the majority of this content is quality. This convergence of junk is the reason you need your clients to see your content as a sparkling reference point of light and dependability in a landfill of substandard waste. Try not to add to the rabble; set yourself apart by offering your clients important stuff. Need individuals to completely connect with your digital marketing message? Then, keep it straightforward. We mostly see possibly amazing digital marketing initiatives come up short just on the grounds that they got somewhat overeager and overcomplicated. Keep your message concise. Individuals have enough trouble in their lives. At the point, when given something simple, clients will delight in its simplicity. You need to know your client. This online marketing rule (Seo Ghana) may appear to be really fundamental, however, it is regularly lost in the battle to make the following ‘huge’ thought. The best edge is one that catches and enchants the consideration of your client by talking specifically, plainly, and as we’ve effectively expressed, basically to them. Ensure your effort focuses on your particular group of onlookers. Go excessively expansive and you will most likely miss your check and market. The larger part of clients visits your website to get the most fundamental of essential data, like area, address, email address and phone number. Ensure these essential points of interest are super simple to discover. Our world is constantly developing, and subsequently, so should our digital marketing You have to submit yourself to always planning to enhance and develop and we mean truly confer yourself. Put assets like time and cash aside for digital marketing R&D. You’ll see the best outcomes if you put aside around 10% of your opportunity to examine. If you would prefer not to get on board with next big bandwagon, you will need to put the time and exertion into estimating patterns and making your own, a considerably more lucrative approach than riding on the coat-tails of another brand’s genius.

Top 10 SEO Plugins For WordPress

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seopluginThere might be numerous SEO tools out there and though nobody disputes their role, one of the easiest and most accessible ways to optimize your WordPress site is with the help of WordPress SEO plugins. Fortunately, there are quite a lot of WordPress SEO plugins for you to choose from. While you can’t say there is a WordPress plugin for every type of SEO tool you can think of, there are some SEO plugins for WordPress you really must try (if you haven’t already done it). Here is a list of the most important ones.

1 WordPress SEO by Yoast

WordPress SEO by Yoast is rightfully considered one of the top SEO plugins for WordPress. It’s a complete suite that covers almost any aspect of SEO. With WordPress SEO by Yoast you can analyze onpage and offpage factors, create XML sitemaps, optimize meta and link elements, as well as RSS and breadcrumbs, edit .htaccessand robots.txt file, enjoy integration with social media, use it on multiple sites and many more. In a sense, if you get this plugin, you might not need anything else.

2 All in One SEO PACK

All in One SEO Pack is another really popular and comprehensive SEO suite for WordPress. Similarly to WordPress SEO by Yoast, you can use this one to handle all your SEO tasks. All in One SEO Pack offers XML sitemaps, optimization of titles and meta tags, advanced canonical URLs, and what not. One of its uniques features is the ability to eliminate duplicate content issues. Additionally, it’s a plugin you can use on e-commerce sites.

3 Google XML Maps

If you are not looking for a complete SEO suite, such as WordPress SEO by Yoast or All in One SEO Pack that among their numerous features come with XML sitemap generation functionality but would like a simple plugin especially for this, then Google XML Maps is your best choice. This plugin doesn’t come with bells and whistles and it doesn’t offer tons of functionality but it is really fast and reliable for XML sitemap generation, even if your site is pretty large and there are thousands of pages.

4 HTML Sitemap for WordPress

Here is another plugin (or more precisely a template) from Yoast de Valk HTML Sitemap for WordPress. While XML sitemaps are no doubt useful for search engines, an HTML sitemap is definitely more useful for your human visitors. HTML sitemap generation is not part of the WordPress SEO by Yoast it’s provided separately. The template in the link is special because it gives you a lot of flexibility when you decide what to include in your HTML sitemap and what to skip.

5 SEO Friendly Images

We all know how important it is to optimize images and how much time this could take. This is why it really makes a difference when you have a reliable ally on your site. With the SEO Friendly Images plugin for WordPress, it gets so much easier to optimize your images. This plugin automatically adds alt and title attribute to all your images. Of course, if you are not pleased with its suggestions, you can always modify the automatically added alt and title attributes to something you like more.

6 WP Smush

As alt tags become a necessity for finding images, It is an SEO friendly practice also for your images to load efficiently fast so as to be on top of the SEO game. One sure plugin that caters for this is the WP Smush. This plugin meticulously scans every image you upload – or have already added to your site – cuts all the unnecessary data and scales it for you before adding it to your media library. In addition to smushing your media uploads, you may want to compress the images stored in other folders. Smush lets you compress any image in any directory so that you can optimize all the images on your site – including NextGEN images, images stored on Amazon S3 using WP Offload S3 and images in EVERY WordPress plugin and theme package!

7 Share This

You might have mind-blowing content but if it doesn’t get traffic, then it’s useless. Out of the many ways to drive traffic to your site, social sites are among the best. With the Share, This plugin for WordPress, content sharing is much easier. The plugin not only allows you and your readers to share your content on sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and 120 others but it also comes with analytics features, too.

8 Broken Link Checker

There is hardly an SEO expert who doesn’t know how badly broken links are. Checking broken links one by one is not physically possible, even for a small site. While there are numerous free and paid tools that check for broken links, if you don’t want to leave WordPress, you can get the Broken Link Checker plugin and monitor the health of your links with it. When a broken link is found, you are notified about this.

9 SEO Links Checker

While the previous plugin is great for broken links detection, if you want more power in dealing with your links, then you need SEO Links Checker. The purpose of this plugin is to automatically create links (i.e. affiliate links) and make them nofollow, if you like. If you are running a big site with a lot of affiliate links tied to a particular keyword, this plugin is a valuable assistant. Just remember to use links wisely i.e. don’t stuff your posts with links simply because it’s so easy to do.

10 SEO Plugin By Squirrly

The last plugin on this list SEO Plugin by Squirrly is again a full SEO suite but the difference is that it’s for NON-SEO experts. This said, the plugin is by no means inferior to the rest, it simply doesn’t offer that many opportunities to mess directly with code. SEO by Squirrly deals with all aspects of SEO customization from content marketing, to keyword research, to SEO analytics, to onpage optimization. Of course, there are many more SEO WordPress plugins we couldn’t cover in this article. If the plugins on the list are not what you need, browse the Net for alternatives. However, be warned that most of the other plugins are either not as good, or they are for earlier versions of WordPress (and might not be compatible with the latest ones). While the WordPress plugins on the list are generally OK for most WordPress Webmasters, if they are not OK with you, you always have the option to optimize your WordPress site with external tools.