SEO Ghana has been honored with an award at the MEA Markets’ seventh annual African Excellence Awards- 2024.

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Big News !!

SEO Ghana has been honored with  the prestigious award at the MEA Markets’ seventh annual African Excellence Awards- 2024.

We are happy to announce that SEO Ghana has won the African Excellence Awards 2024 for Most Reliable Digital Marketing Company in Ghana. This prestigious award emphasizes our dedication to quality, creativity, and major contributions to the economic growth of the African continent.

In its sixth year, MEA Markets has presented the prestigious awards program known as the African Excellence Awards. It honors companies that have made a significant contribution to the economic and social progress of Africa and celebrates their exceptional accomplishments. This year’s awards program addressed a wide range of companies in different industries and sectors, from start-ups to major international firms.

Seoghaa for the third time has been recognized for our unwavering dedication to Digital Marketing , showcasing our resilience and adaptability in the face of global challenges. This award is a testament to the hard work and commitment of our team, and our continuous efforts to drive innovation and excellence within the Digital Marketing sector.

The Company CEO, Evans T. Ampofo expressed, “We are incredibly proud to receive this prestigious award from MEA Markets.” In addition to honoring our accomplishments, this acknowledgment also celebrates our shared goal of promoting the growth and development of companies around the world. We are motivated to pursue our goals and keep improving the communities we work in by it.

Showcasing exceptional standards and accomplishments within the various business environment of the continent, the African Excellence Awards 2024 bring together the greatest minds in African industry. With the goal of honoring companies that are committed to the economic and social development of Africa, MEA Markets seeks to promote resilience and growth.

As we celebrate this significant milestone, SEO Ghana remains committed to pushing the boundaries of innovation and excellence. We look forward to continuing our journey, driving progress, and making meaningful contributions to the African business community.

For more information about the African Excellence Awards 2024 and the complete list of winners, please visit MEA Markets Awards.

About SEO Ghana

SEO Digital is a multiple award winning  creative media and inbound marketing firm operating from Ghana and the UK. Staffed by digital marketers and marketing professionals with international expertise, the company excels in digital advertising and social media marketing. Our mission is to improve search rankings, attract niche-based customers, and build brand trust for businesses in Ghana, Africa, and globally.

We specialize in
  • Digital Marketing
  • Media Advertising
  • Public Relation
  • Branding
  • Web & App Development
  • PPC Advertising
  • Social Media Management
  For more information, please visit SEOGhana.  

Email Marketing, A Must Use Digital Marketing Strategy To Help Boost Sales In Your Business

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Companies providing email marketing services in Ghana

Email marketing

Email marketing is the oldest form of online marketing. It is the most direct and effective way of connecting with your leads, nurturing them and turning them into customers. Most digital marketers use email marketing to advertise special deals, highlight content or promote an event. Email marketing is one of the most popular and effective tools to help you boost sales online. In this article, we’ll share how email marketing can help your business grow and few tips to get you started.

What is email marketing?

Email marketing is a powerful digital marketing strategy used to promote products or services to prospects and customers. Effective email marketing can convert prospects into customers, and turn one-time buyers into loyal, raving fans. Using emails can also help your customers to become aware of your latest items or offers. Email marketing can play pivotal roles in lead generation, building relationships and also driving traffic to your blog, and social media.

How email started

Engineer Ray Tomlinson, the father of emails, in 1971 launched the world’s first email while in a windowless room in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The message was nothing special, a series of numbers and letters that looked more like a password than a message, but its significance was profound. The email was sent from one computer to another, travelling through a network of machines not unlike the internet we know today. Tomlinson also introduced the “@” symbol in email addresses to the world. In 1978, Gary Thuerk, a marketing manager for the now-defunct computer company Digital Equipment Corporation, sent out the first commercial and unsolicited mass e-mail promoting his firm’s computer products. Sent to hundreds of computers over ARPANET (a precursor to the Internet; see DARPA), Thuerk’s message immediately gave birth to email marketing. There were only a few hundred people on the list, but that was enough for Thuerk to claim the mantle, “Father of Spam.” Today, we’re inundated with email marketing campaigns, and spams, but there’s no denying the impact a well-crafted message can have on your customers.

Why is email marketing important?

Agencies in Ghana to help you with your digital marketing strategy You now know what email marketing is. Let’s talk about why email marketing is relevant for your business. Despite the rise of social media, and a hundred other forms of messaging, the traditional email format feels relatively old. However, it still remains one of the most powerful and effective way to nurture leads and boost customer loyalty. That’s why almost every social media platform requires you to have an email. The email list can yield dramatic rewards for business owners. According to Direct Marketing Association, email marketing on average sees a 4300 percent return on investment (ROI) for businesses in the US.

Importance of email marketing

1. Email is the #1 communication channel. You can go for a few days or weeks without checking social media like Facebook or Twitter, but most people use email every day, if not multiple times a day, so it’s safe to say that email marketing is good for business. At least 99% of consumers check their email daily. That can’t be said of any other communication channel. 2. You own your list. On any social media platform, your account (along with all your fans and posts) could be suspended or deleted at any time, for any reason, without notice. However, you own your email list. No one can take those leads away from you. 3. Email converts better. People who buy products marketed through email spend 138% more than those who do not receive email offers. In 2015, a study by the U.K.-based Direct Marketing Association (DMA) found that for every $1 spent, email has an average return on investment (ROI) of $38. That’s huge! The average order value of an email is at least three times higher than that of social media. 4. Email marketing allows you to run A/B tests. With email marketing, you can run A/B tests of a subject line or call to action to identify the best performing message using email marketing software that can also be configured to easily send out emails.

How to get started with email marketing?

Email marketing companies in Ghana Email marketing is made up of several moving pieces, but that doesn’t mean it has to be complicated. Here’s how it breaks down:

Step 1: Establish your goals

But signing up to an email marketing tool and jumping to send your first email, it’s worth taking a minute to think about your goals and what you really want to achieve with email, as that will dictate the type of campaigns you send, who you target, the content you include, and how you measure success.

Step 2: Build your email list

Now that you have identified your goals and what you want to achieve from email marketing, it’s time to build your email list so you can start sending campaigns that those goals. There are a couple of different ways you can build your email list, but the right method depends on the goals you establish in Step 1. 

First, create a branded opt-in pop-up form for your website

Pop-up forms provide visitors with a quick, convenient way to share contact information and subscribe to your list while they’re browsing your site, making them a powerful tool for audience growth. 

Create marketing campaigns to find your people with Facebook ads

Facebook ads can help you reach new audiences and find new customers by targeting people who’re similar to your existing contacts. But Facebook ads aren’t just used for selling stuff, but also to generate leads by collecting emails through ads that link to your landing pages with opt-in forms. In just a few steps, you can create an ad that drives people to your site so they can quickly and easily sign up for your email list.

Step 3: Select the type of campaigns you want to send

There are several different types of email campaigns you can send to subscribers, and the type you choose really depends on the goals you established in Step 1. The campaigns could be newsletters (about one main topic of interest), Marketing Offer (offering discounts and special promotions), announcement (announcing a new product, feature, or service), and event invitation.

Step 4: Create your first campaign

Now that you’ve decided on your goals, built a bit of an audience and selected the type of campaign you’re going to send, it’s time to start building your email. Find tips to making the most of your email marketing campaigns in the next heading.

Step 5: Measuring your success

After publishing your email campaign, it is now time to keep track of your progress and learn exactly how many new people join your email list. You can track the success of your email marketing campaigns: using tools like Google Analytics.

Email Marketing Strategies

Effective email marketing takes effort. Here are a few strategies for making the most of your email marketing campaigns:

Send relevant emails

Once someone has trusted you with their email address, don’t abuse that trust. Inundating your audience’s inbox with emails will cause them to lose interest or unsubscribe entirely. Focus on sending them relevant, engaging messages about the stuff they like, and they’ll be loyal for a long time to come.

Attract your subscribers

Grow your email list, you need to attract people with a compelling offer. You need a lead magnet, something awesome that you give away for free in exchange for an email address. It doesn’t have to cost you anything to create. Some popular lead magnet examples are: eBooks, resources or consultation.

Seek permission

Probably the most obvious problem is when your email gets sent to a subscriber’s spam folder. Before you can email anyone, you need their permission.

No purchased emails

While buying email lists may sound like a great shortcut, it isn’t. And we do not recommend it. We also do not recommend adding emails from people’s business cards that you collected at seminars or workshops unless you have their permission. People who don’t opt-in specifically for your email list are not interested in your services. Emailing them, therefore, is a complete waste of your resources.


it’s important to email your subscribers consistently, so your list doesn’t go stale. So to keep your list fresh and filled with engaged subscribers, it’s a good idea to periodically remove inactive subscribers. An inactive subscriber could be anyone who has not engaged with any email in the past 6 months or more.


Timing can have a huge effect on subscribers opening your emails, so think carefully about what time and day you send your emails.

Make subject lines stand out

When it comes to email open and click rates, your subject lines are everything. Your job is to make your subject lines stand out. The subject line should entice curiosity, include numbers, be friendly and speak in a language and style that your subscribers use themselves.

Be friendly

When you draft your subject line and message content, write as though you are speaking to a person, with a personal subject line and a personalized message.

Mobile friendly

Mobile email accounts for 67% of all email opens, depending on your target audience, product, and email type. Make sure your email is responsive and includes easily loadable media. Also consider the fact that mobile screens are smaller, so long subject lines may get cut off on mobile devices.

Content must be engaging

If a subscriber is happy with your content, they are more likely to open your emails in the future. Conversely, if a subscriber is displeased with what they get, they probably aren’t going to open your emails again, and they may even unsubscribe. Simply make your content engaging and appealing t your subscribers.


Email marketing is a powerful driver of sales & revenue for your business, and has a greater reach and return on investment than any other channel available to marketers today. Follow the steps outlined in this guide for a quick start to email marketing and campaign success. Get started with email marketing today with SEO Digital!

Digital Marketing, What Your Business Must Know

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What is Digital Marketing?

    Digital marketing, also known as online marketing or internet advertising is a big deal these days. Internet usage has doubled over the past decade. This shift has massively affected how people purchase products, services and interact with businesses. So, what is digital marketing? It is simply the use of the internet, emails, mobile devices, social media, search engines, and other channels to reach the right consumers. All these forms of marketing help introduce people to your company and convince them to buy your products. One key element of digital marketing is that, it requires the use of innovative approaches to attract and understand your potential customers as compared to traditional marketing.

Digital Marketing Assets and Strategies That Can Boost Your Brand

  Digital Marketing Assets Digital assets and strategies are vital in today’s market and if you don’t keep up, you will be left behind. Let’s take a look at what your business needs to maximise its marketing plan and start reaping profits.

Digital Marketing Assets

Assets are values owned by a group or company. Marketing items used to project your business and get potential clients attracted to buy your products are termed Digital Assets. Are you using the available digital assets you have at your disposal to boost your marketing? If you’re unsure, don’t worry, here are few examples:

Digital Marketing Strategies

Strategies for digital marketing is also constantly evolving. Some strategies businesses use are:

1. Pay-Per-Click Advertising

PPC advertising is any type of digital marketing where you pay for every user who clicks on an ad like Google AdWords and Facebook Ads.

2. Paid Search Advertising

Google, Bing and Yahoo allow you to run text ads on their Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) to target potential clients who are actively searching for a product or service like yours.

3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

With SEO, you can rank pages or blog posts on your site organically and not have to pay directly for every click, but this usually takes quite a bit of time and effort.

4. Paid Social Media Advertising

Social media platforms like Twitter allow you to run ads on their site to increase your business’s visibility with audiences.

5. Social Media Marketing

This is free and organic however, organically marketing your business on social media takes a lot more time and effort but in the long run, can deliver much cheaper results.

6. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

CRO is the art and science of improving your online user experience. Most of the time, businesses use CRO to get more conversions (leads, chats, calls, sales, etc.) out of their existing website traffic.

7. Content Marketing

This is another fairly broad digital marketing term. Content marketing covers any digital marketing effort that uses content assets (blog posts, infographics, eBooks, videos, etc.) to build brand visibility, drive clicks or sales.

8. Native Advertising

Ever get to the bottom of an article and see a list of suggested articles? That’s native advertising and mostly fall under content marketing because it uses content to attract clicks.

9. Email Marketing

This form of online marketing is the oldest and it’s still going strong. Most digital marketers use email marketing to advertise special deals, highlight content (often as part of content marketing) or promote an event.

10. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is essentially paying someone else (a person or a business) to promote your products and services on their website.

How Powerful is Digital Marketing Now?

    With technology continually evolving, so do the behaviours of consumers. As a result, we have seen how traditional forms of advertising has continued to decline. We have also watched how digital advertising have grown from strength to strength. Some reasons for this include, an increase in the way we access information, news and an increased activity on digital devices. In addition, digital marketing is affordable, which allows any sized business with any size budget to target specific markets effectively. Today, just having a website is no longer enough to engage your audience and convert them to new customers. It is now important to consider implementing a complete digital plan that works across multiple channels. With this in mind, here are 7 reasons why you need digital marketing for your business:

1. Increase reach

    Competitor analysis   With the growth of the internet, more people are spending their time online. Over 7.7 billion people use the internet across the globe. It has become an integral part of everyday life to conduct searches, check social media, and purchase products online. Your customers are online, which highlights the importance of digital marketing. They’re browsing the web looking for your products or services. If they can’t find your services/products because you’re not online, you risk losing those leads to your competitors. To drive the best results for your business, you need to build your online presence. This will help you reach more audience that want your products or services.

2. More Advanced Analytics

  Advanced analytics   With digital marketing you know the following about your ads and audience:
  • Whether they actually saw it. With traditional marketing like TV and radio ads, you don’t even know that much.
  • What they interacted with
  • If they liked it
  • If they lingered on it
  • What they viewed
  • If they shared it with a friend
  • Did it prompt another action
  • If it led to a sale
You also learn much more about the people interacting with your ad:
  • Who’s most interested in your ads
  • What are they like
  • What makes them more likely to take an action
  • Who is easiest to convert
  • Who spends more
  • What do they do online
  • Gives you their demographics
  • What terms do they use to find you online
  • Which websites do they visit that lead them to yours
All of this easy to with free analytics software like Google Analytics. You can gain even more insight with paid tools. In addition, you can use what you learn to cut costs where you aren’t seeing an ROI and increase efforts where you get the best results.

3. Keep up with your competitors

  Competitor analysis   Online marketing is highly competitive and your competitors have already taken advantage of it. They’ve created social profiles, adapted their website for SEO, and run paid advertisements to reach new leads. This reason in itself is one of the reasons why you should use digital marketing. If you want your business to compete with others, you have to do what your competitors are doing and even more. By neglecting digital marketing, you’re already falling behind your competition. Your competitors are gaining traffic that could be yours if you’re also investing in digital marketing. Customers online won’t know that your business is an option and will automatically choose a competitor. You must invest in digital marketing to get leads to consider your business as an option.

4. Target the right audience

  Increase target   The ability to target the right audience is one of the most obvious reasons why digital marketing is important. Imagine being able to market directly to people who have an interest in your products or services. You have the capability to directly reach leads interested in your business. With digital marketing, you can target your audience more precisely than traditional methods. You can input important information about your audience and use that information to shape your marketing campaigns. It makes it easy for you to reach the right people. When you better target your audience, you drive better results with your campaign and reach more leads.

5. You can monitor and optimise your campaigns for better results

  Monitor online campaigns   The importance of digital marketing is that you can easily track and monitor your campaigns. When you invest time and money into your campaigns, you want to know that they are working. Internet marketing makes it easy for you to track your campaigns, which allows you to adapt and drive better results. It can be challenging using traditional methods to know the results of your campaign. If you run a TV ad, you may have to ask every person that comes into the store about what brought them to your business. It would be a very time-consuming effort that could annoy people who visit your business. You don’t need to worry about bothering your audience with online ads. Every campaign you run is easily trackable to see if it is driving valuable results for your business. In addition, metrics such as impressions, clicks, views, comments, conversions, and more can be analysed. When you track your campaign’s performance, it’s easier to fix it and adapt to changes. With traditional advertising campaign, you typically can’t make changes until the campaign is over. It only benefits the next campaign you run, which can feel like you wasted money on the previous campaign. Whereas with online ads, you can see if they are successful or need improvement. If they need improvement, you can make immediate changes and implement them at any point during your campaign. In addition, online marketing helps you spend your budget more wisely to get more out of your campaigns.

6. Best return on your investment (ROI)

  Return on Investment (RO1)   If you want to know the importance of digital media, look at the results it drives for businesses. Marketing strategies online have awesome return on investment (ROI). When you invest in these methods, you’ll get more out of them. For example, email marketing has the highest ROI of any marketing method. Every $1 spent, you have the potential to earn a whopping 4400% in return. This is a great opportunity for you to grow and earn a profit from your marketing efforts. Internet marketing is also cost-effective and hence, leaves room for a great ROI. It doesn’t cost much to run a social media ad campaign, compared to certain traditional methods, and this gives businesses an opportunity to grow.

7. Easy to Scale & Adapt

  Scale up digitally   For small businesses, it becomes very clear when you see how easy it is to scale and adapt as your business grows. Example, with social media campaigns, you can choose a daily budget and know how much it will cost without having to renegotiate an ad spot on TV. As you continue to convert that traffic, you just increase your daily spend and revenues with it. If you got a massive order from a customer and need to scale back to avoid getting backlogged, it’s just as easy. The power of digital marketing lies in the fact that, you can get instant results and analyze data fast to reduce wasted ad spend.

Digital Marketing Strategy

  Digital Strategy At SEO Digital, we recommend a professional online plan to raise awareness of your business and engage with prospective customers. Hence, strong digital marketing strategy should consist of the following elements:

1. Website

Build a functional, professional and easy to navigate website. Include a blog on your site to update and inform your customers of any news in your industry. Also, consider inbuilt functionality to streamline office processes and make the customer experience better.

2. Search Engine Optimisation – (SEO)

Your website needs to include high quality, relevant content about your business and services. A number of SEO techniques such as high quality content, and keyword research can all help with your online presence. Keep this up to date and integrate it with a website measurement tool such as Google Analytics to improve your chances of being found online. Additionally, using strong quality content and relevant keywords on your website can improve your organic search results and make you visible to people.

4. Mobile responsiveness

If your website is difficult to read, the chances are prospective customers won’t make an enquiry. Make sure your website is optimised for mobile devices and creates a pleasant user experience.

5. Social media

The development of social media platforms will grow your online audience, and assist with online marketing. Social Media allows you to speak directly with your customer base to provide valuable information and build trust digitally to to increase your audience.

6. Online Advertising

Consider using various online advertising streams to increase your brand awareness. Common online advertising strategies such as Google AdWords allow you to target specific demographics and set your budget to suit your business. Online advertising is a highly effective way to add impact to your business and brand.

7. Nurturing your leads

Your digital strategies need to engage your customers to get them to take the next step and make a purchase. You need to have clear ‘call to action’ strategies built in to your digital platforms and make it easy for the customer to take that next step.


  Contact digital marketing expects in Ghana   Digital marketing is becoming more complex, as we develop new ways of effectively reaching clients and driving revenues online. Your digital marketing strategy and assets are essential in driving business success. Contact SEO Digital today on or +233 50 664 3847 if you would like to review your business’ online marketing to increase your client base and profits.

How You Will Select a Best Email Marketing Providers

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Email marketing is probably the most efficient way of sharing messages, building a relationship with customers and selling services. The advantages of such promotions are well deserved and documented. It is arguably the most cost-effective and quickest to get messages advertised to a broad base of customers. To be concise this kind of promotion is s great deal especially when one is getting engaged with existing new prospects or customers. You just need a tool that shall aid in campaigning, connecting and managing lists effectively. It is not about sending promo mails to individuals that are random and hoping them to become bankable conversions overnight. The lists provided are verified Any of the Best Email Marketing Providers will let you market your enterprise by presenting a driven new quality email lists that are audited. Many different categories and lists are provided. They will always let you keep your promotional tools. These tools are the lists of Ids, and the providers always help you build upon it. Thus, it gives a chance for both the brand and message development. You can still be least assured that the mail lists are verified. The Id lists are current lists that one can send mails to. There is a wide variety of categories that you also get. Spam compliant and compiled The Best Email Marketing Providers besides having opt-in and freshly verified Ids have the lists compiled. This compilation is done each day right from Monday and ending on Friday. There is the lowest pricing for the complete compendium. Whenever the providers present to the entire rolls of the IDs, you can always think of using it over and over again. In fact, the data rolls can be easily uploaded to the software system that deals with the bulk electronic mails. All the electronic letters that you deal with due to the providers are entirely spam -compliant and can be sent with ease. These roll of Ids are in the CSV format of Microsoft Excel and shall be sent to you via a link that can be downloaded. When bulk electronic mails are purchased from these service providers, one receives them as one time orders. These rolls of Ids are in fact the consumers. Once when the IDs are sent to you as downloadable links, you can begin all your promotional work. The pricing of the lists is sure to impress you, and you may be intrigued to know the reason behind it. Well, these providers strive to maintain a relationship with clients over a sale that is one time. Any best service provider will always try to acquire the business at your end if one achieves resounding success with promotions. Received confirmation and support A confirmation shall always be sent to you once when the order is placed with these providers. You have the provision of replying back to any electronic mail that is received from them and connects with a real entity at any given point of time. The support they will provide is free of cost, and on the placing of your order, you shall receive receipts so that any questions can be cleared regarding the order.