The Future of Web Development: What to Expect!

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  Web development is in a constant flux. It changes with technology and dynamic user expectations. Moving into the future, several trends and innovations are going to change the way in which websites and web apps would be developed and consumed. Here is an inkling into what one should expect in the future of web development.

7 Key Trends Shaping the Future

1. Progressive Web Apps Progressive Web Apps are web applications that provide a native app-like experience by working offline, loading fast, and being installable on the user’s home screen. This closes the gap between web apps and mobile device apps by providing a native user experience across devices. Notice an increasing number of businesses implementing PWAs to enhance engagement and accessibility. 2. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are finding their way to changing web development. From chatbots and virtual assistants to customized content recommendations, AI and ML offer a rich experience for users and make complex tasks easier to handle. Only then will developers integrate these technologies to make web applications wiser and more responsive. 3. Voice Search Optimization Optimizing websites for voice search is going to be imperative as devices that are voice-activated, including smart speakers and voice assistants, begin to proliferate. That means understanding and responding to voice inquiries through NLP. That basically means that voice search optimization is going to play a very big role in enhancing accessibility and user convenience. 4. Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality AR and VR are in the process of changing the way users experience and interact with web content. These technologies aid in creating extremely immersive experiences—majorly in industries such as e-commerce, real estate, and entertainment. For instance, a user could see what a product might look like in his or her space using AR, or how a virtual tour may turn out using VR, thus building engagement and decision-making. 5. Single Page Applications A single page application loads only a single HTML page, which is then dynamically updated based on user interaction with the app. SPAs really provide a native-like user experience, so they are very suitable for complex applications. Viewed by many as the future of frontend development, SPAs are becoming ever more prevalent, and React, Vue, and Angular are leading the charge to help developers efficiently and scalably develop web applications. 6. WebAssembly (Wasm) WebAssembly is a binary instruction format designed for high-performance on the web. It empowers developers to write code in languages like C, C++, and Rust and executes it in browsers at near-native speed. Wasm boosts web applications to be faster and more powerful. 7. Improved Cybersecurity As cyber threats become sophisticated, enhancing the cybersecurity measures will be essential. The developers will need to focus on secure coding, using HTTPS, Content Security Policy, and keeping themselves updated on the latest security measures and protocols. Without protection of the user’s data and trust, success for web apps will be elusive.

Future Predictions for Web Development

  1. The Rise of the JAMstack and Serverless Architecture The JAMstack is gaining immense popularity. It makes use of pre-rendered static sites to deliver content and APIs for dynamic data and functionality. There are a number of advantages of this approach of serverless computing.
  • Performance: This means a user can have promptness like a static content. Scalability: As a result of it, it is capable of handling as many traffic volumes as possible without having a limitation on servers.
  • Security: It is, therefore, critical to note that static sites are way more secure compared to traditional server-side applications.
  • Reduced Development Costs: Therefore, one will not have a case of the ongoing maintenance for any client using a serverless infrastructure.
2. The Metaverse and Web 3.0 Of major influence on web development will be the concepts of Metaverse—the persistent virtual environment—and Web 3.0, a blockchain-driven decentralized web. Imagine engaging online experiences where users can own digital assets, interact with 3D settings, and move with seamless continuity across platforms. Therefore, that may be new frameworks and tools required for making safe and participatory experiences inside the Metaverse.   3. Democratization of Web Development The introduction of low-code/no-code platforms and user-friendly tools is likely to further democratize web development. This may further diminish the boundary between citizen developers and formally trained developers since, with the help of these tools, persons with zero coding experience will be in a position to build simple websites and applications. Complex functionality creation and high-performance application development will still have to involve professional programmers.     4. Ethical Considerations and User Privacy Even while AI and machine learning find a place, increasingly, in web development, user bias and data privacy ethics have to be factored in. Developers will have to make algorithms that will ensure equity, non-discrimination, and transparency in the judgment-making process. In addition, the developers shall give top priority to secure data storage and let users have control over their information since the laws governing user data privacy are probably going to get harsher.     5. The Evolving Developer Landscape The developer landscape is also likely to change in tandem with the new trends. Few might have predicted a rise in extremely specialized jobs related to themes like blockchain development, AI integration, and metaverse experiences, among others. Moreover, it shall be indispensable for developers who want to remain relevant in a world changing at high speed in terms of technology to upskill and continue learning. In that respect, certain fabulous opportunities will keep developers and enterprises that want to remain at the forefront of future, evolving paths in web development on their guard. Get ready to future-proof your web presence. With Seoghana, you’re always on top of the latest trends in web development, so you’ll never be passed by those who are ahead of their time. Our team can develop anything, from Progressive Web Apps and AI-driven features to seamless Single Page Applications. Do not be left out in the new digital revolution. Let us show you how we can transform your web today to give your business a facelift. Building together a better future!  

Tips To Receiving Enough Facebook Business Page Likes

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Succeeding on your Facebook business page

In order to achieve success on your Facebook business page, you need an engaged community. Without it, no one will see or read your content, making it difficult to build brand awareness and deliver ROI. New social networks crop up all the time, generating buzz and excitement among businesses and tech media, but Facebook remains the giant, with has 2.80 billion monthly active users. To keep up with changing needs and trends, Facebook continues to evolve, introducing new features and functionality for users and advertisers. If you are unable to keep up, you could miss out on potential customers. However, it’s not just about the quantity of Facebook Likes, it’s about the quality. You need to attract the right audience and engage them in ways that align with your business goals. Here is the latest checklist to ensure you have enough quality likes and following on your Facebook business page.
  1. Optimize your Facebook Page Information

First things first! Most of the time, the only thing people see from your company’s Facebook Page is the profile picture, cover image, and short description. Make sure your brand’s images and description are engaging, encapsulate what your company does, and encourages people to like your page. Don’t stop there, make sure you fill out as much of your Page Info as you can. Select the categories and subcategories that best describe your company, include your website URL, list your address, phone number, and hours of operation (if applicable). All of this information will help your page appear in Facebook & Google searches when people are looking for companies like yours, which can increase your Facebook likes even more!
  1. Post engaging content

It’s important to post engaging, entertaining, and compelling content on your business Page. Facebook constantly updates its Edgerank algorithm and rewards posts that receive engagement (likes, comments, shares) with increased reach. Facebook will reward your content by letting your engaged users’ friends know on their newsfeed that they’ve engaged with your content.  Recently Facebook announced that it will update its algorithm to track how long users spend reading posts. Videos are the best type of content to post on Facebook for capturing attention and driving engagement. But make sure the videos are at an optimal length to grab your followers’ attention and keep it long enough to digest the content.
  1. Page URL

Take a quick look at your Facebook business page now – what does the URL in the browser bar look like? If it’s something like this: -162166373456878/ (see all the numbers at the end?) then you’re missing an opportunity. In less than a minute you can easily change the web address of your Facebook page to something a bit more memorable, like Click the ‘About’ tab below your Facebook cover photo, then click the Facebook Web Address option and type whatever you’d like to appear after the URL.
  1. Make your Facebook business page easy to find

People looking for your brand on Facebook will be searching for your brand name. Keep things simple and make it easy for them to find you by using your brand name as your Page name. Don’t add unnecessary keywords—these will just make your Page look spammy rather than like a legitimate business presence for your brand. Your username should be consistent with your handle on other social channels will make it easier for people who already follow you elsewhere to track you down on Facebook. Like your Page name, your username should be closely related to the name of your business. Someone who has just discovered a valuable tip or strategy on your website or blog is primed to want to hear more from you. Make it easy for them to connect with you on Facebook by adding Facebook follow and Like buttons to your site.
  1. Know when to post content on your Facebook page

Think about how often you post on Facebook. Is it once per day? Once a week? Only once a month? You also need to analyze the time of day you’re posting on Facebook. All of this matters when it comes to increasing engagement and getting more likes. Research shows that higher engagements happen later in the week and on the weekends. If you think about it, this makes sense. People have jobs and are usually busier during the week. But as the weekend nears, they may be getting a little bit antsy and slack off if they are ahead of schedule. So they can spend more time on Facebook. People are also happier on the weekends so they are more inclined to like, share, and comment on your posts. You also need to consider who likes your Facebook page. For example, if 90% of your followers are from Ghanaian, posting at 3 AM EST isn’t going to yield high engagement rates. Use automation tools to schedule your Facebook posts at the most optimal times so you won’t have to do it manually each day. Your posting schedule also needs to remain consistent. Stick to your strategy. Don’t post regularly for a month or so and then go silent. But you don’t want to spam your followers and post too frequently either.
  1. Posts on your Facebook page should be kept short and concise

Nobody is going to read massive blocks of text on social media. There is just too much for them to see from their friends and family. Reading long posts from brand pages won’t be at the top of their priority lists. Social media platforms such as Facebook are designed for users to scroll through content quickly. You also need to consider how many Facebook users are accessing content from their mobile devices: Paragraphs on your computer screen will appear even longer on mobile devices. Plus, long blocks of text are difficult to read. If you’re currently posting long content, it may be the reason why you’re not getting enough likes. A good rule of thumb is that shorter is always better. If people see your posts aren’t long, they will be less hesitant to like your page.
  1. Invite your existing community

You have a community that’s easily within reach: employees, friends, current customers, business & industry partners. They are likely to be your first advocates and find your content interesting and shareable. Why not send a friendly personal invitation to ask them to like your company’s Facebook Page if they haven’t already? One way to do this is by simply adding a call-to-action in a personal e-mail (i.e. “P.S. Like us on Facebook”). Add a slide at the end of your presentations or webinars to encourage customers and business partners to remind them to like your Facebook Page, if they haven’t already. As for your industry ‘buddies,’ find their Facebook Pages and Like them as your brand. To do this log into Business Manager > click the Use Page button > click the Use Facebook As Your Page link (top right, in a skinny grey bar). It’s a great way to Like your industry partners, colleagues, & other influencer brands. Plus you’ll be able to view your News Feed as your brand and keep watch on what’s happening in your industry on Facebook.
  1. Use Facebook Ads to reach more people

Facebook offers very detailed ad targeting, so you can laser-focus your advertising efforts and make the most of your ad spend. Putting your brand in front of your ideal audience is a great way to pick up more Facebook Likes. By boosting a post, you can extend the audience beyond people who already like your Page. This can be a great option for a post that’s already proved to be compelling. It can bring in a large number of Facebook likes from people who already follow your Page. Facebook also offers campaign objectives relevant to every type of business. Since this post is about how to get Facebook Likes, we’ll focus on the Engagement objective, which is designed to expose your ad to a wide audience to increase the number of posts or Page Likes. Go to your business manager page for options on running a campaign or boosting posts.
  1. Run competitions, or promotions on your Facebook page

Your business can run competitions or promotions on its Facebook to build an audience and get more likes. Even better, liking a post is a popular form of contest entry and one that’s allowed under Facebook’s contest rules  If you decide to do so, make sure your competition follows Facebook’s Promotion Guidelines. Also ensure your competition is fun, easy, relevant to your audience, and encourages users to share their participation with friends. Don’t forget to utilize Facebook Ads to promote your contest. And If you use an app to run your contest, make sure it’s mobile-optimized.
  1. Use social media monitoring to measure, analyze, and learn

Use Facebook Insights or other automated apps to find useful metrics on your Page performance. You can view metrics like reach, the number of engaged users, engagement rate, and new Page likes. These metrics will help you understand what’s driving your likes and engagement so that you can adjust your posts accordingly.   Did I forget anything? Have a question about any of the suggestions above? Please add a comment and, if you like the post, feel free to share it with your friends. Now that you know how to get more likes for your Facebook Page, it’s time to increase your Facebook reach content. Contact us today! Please Don’t forget to Like us on Facebook if you haven’t already.          

Favicon: Small But Mighty For Brand Awareness

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What is a favicon?

A favicon (pronounced “fave-icon”) is a small iconic image that represents a website in web browsers. If you take a look at the address bar of your browser right now, I’m sure you’ll see several favicons. Well-designed ones are styled to feature a logo, the first letter of the company name or simply an image that reflects the specifics of the website it represents. In the small chance that a website doesn’t have a favicon, the browser will display a generic browser symbol. Here are examples from famous brands: Favicons: Examples from world-known brands Which of these favicons do you recognise? While favicons may seem small and insignificant, having one can make a huge difference in terms of user experience and online branding. In this post, we’ll figure out where favicons come from, what kinds are used in modern browsers, and how to create one for your website.

Why is a favicon important for your brand?

Favicons attract user attention and boost brand awareness. If users visit a website with a memorable favicon a couple of times, they will then easily distinguish it from others in the future. Think about a famous brand you interact with daily—like Facebook or Instagram—you should be able to easily picture its favicon with your eyes closed. Again, If you‘re like me and tend to keep dozens of tabs open simultaneously—ultimately being unable to read their names—favicons are your best friends that make finding the website you need much easier. The favicons for Facebook and Twitter have look exactly like their respective logos. So, does it mean that all you need is to minimize your logo image and upload it onto your website? Let’s dive deep into all the technical details and talk about what it takes to create a favicon.

What type of image is a favicon? 

Although most modern browsers will recognize PNG, GIF, and JPG formats for favicons, Internet Explorer currently does not. It is recommended to use the Microsoft ICO format, which works in all browsers.

What size should your favicon be? 

Another good reason to use the ICO format is that it can contain multiple favicons of different sizes in one ICO file. It is best to have, at minimum, a 16×16 pixel version. I usually include 32×32 and 48×48 versions as well. That way, if users drag the bookmark to their desktop they will see a nicely scaled version of the icon instead of the 16×16 version stretched out. Google recommends going with the largest possible resolution of 192×192. At the moment, Google simply stretches existing low-resolution favicons when a bigger size is required. As a result, all of the images look blurry and take away from the user experience.

General tips to consider

So, if you don’t want to lose out on clicks, consider “upgrading” your site’s favicon. And here are some general guidelines you should stick to:
  • Use a square icon.
  • A favicon should represent only your brand and not contain inappropriate symbols (like swastikas) — otherwise, Google will not show it and will use the generic symbol instead.
  • Favicon file should be accessible to Google crawlers.

How to create a favicon

Although there are many ways to create favicons, the easiest is to use an online tool. Use an existing image of, for example, your logo and upload it to an online generator like a site heaalth checker. Once you download the generated favicon, all that’s left is to add it to your site. 

How to link to your favicon

Now that you’ve created a nice little favicon, you need to tell web browsers and other applications where to find it. Adding this line to the <head> section of your HTML will ensure that your favicon will be found: The location of the favicon isn’t really important, as long as the href attribute is accurate. Most are, however, placed in the root directory (the directory that contains the homepage). Keep in mind that it is not necessary to have multiple instances of the same favicon on one website. If you add a favicon without linking to it within your HTML, you may notice that some browsers will still find and display it. This only occurs if the favicon is in the root directory. It isn’t good to rely on this method, so if you want to make sure that applications will see your favicon, <link> to it!


Favicons help websites stay afloat in the vast ocean of online resources, plus make them more attractive and professional in the eyes of the visitors. If you need any help with yours, turn to our website audit for help. Among other things, it can run a full technical check-up for your website that includes finding your favicon. Well, your favicon is a very small detail that can affect the public perception of your site and brand, their recognition and even the volume of traffic it gets from search, so don’t underestimate it.  It’s worth every second that you invest in it.  

These Free Website Tools Will Grow Your Business

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Use your website to grow in Ghana

Many website owners don’t give their websites the needed care, and so they get astonished when things get bad. Rebuilding your website can be costly but this can be avoided by having simple tools to regularly check on your site. This will ensure that your website is competitive and up-to-date with changing trends in your field of work. You can use many free website tools to grow your business in Ghana. However, in this article, we shall talk about these 3 free website tools: SEO analyzer, keyword planner, and site health checker

SEO Analyzer free website tool

SEO simply consists of multiple strategies, which have the end goal of improving your website’s position in search engines. The analyzer, a free website tool is used by businesses to improve their website’s ranking on search engines. With an SEO analyzer, you can spot issues on your site and get a full list of strategic actions you can take to fix them. SEO analyzer tells you what aspects of your SEO strategy are working and what isn’t working. You can utilize SEO analysis results to help you rank higher, expand your reach, and drive traffic. If you want to get more visitors to your site, Get a FREE report of your website here. If you want more search traffic, all you have to do is follow the website analysis report. It will give you a complete list of errors that are hindering you from achieving the top spot on Google. Our SEO Analysis tool doesn’t just point out errors but gives you step-by-step instructions on how to fix each of them. Once you make changes, you can re-run the report and check to see if you did it correctly.

Keyword planner free website tool

Are you familiar with Keyword Planner? Choosing the right keywords and phrases can get your promotions closer to the top of Google’s search engine results pages (SERPs) and in front of the right clients. After all, to drive increased traffic, you need to know which keywords customers are using when looking for your site and the role these words play in SEO. If you don’t know how searchers are looking for your products or services, you are working blind. The right keywords planner is a tool that every search marketer needs to familiarize themselves with. The good news is that keyword research doesn’t need to be a daunting task. One of the best places to start to gain an insight into the search terms you need is free here. With this free digital checker, just start with a solid list of keywords, and a column or two of variables, and you’re good to go. This free tool sits at the core of your SEO or PPC toolset and helps to discover new keywords, and plan your Google Ads budget. If you need to find the right keywords for your business, it is a great place to start.

Site health checker free website tool

Often when we’re asked to build a website, the client expects it to work flawlessly forever. The truth is, it won’t. Websites break most of the time because they’re out-of-date, or some plug-ins just stopped working, or it’s taking time to load. With 2020 properly underway, it’s a good time to take a step back and assess the health of your website. While you’re unable to tell immediately if your website is performing at its best, there are a few regular checks that can help. We all know how important page speed is, slow site drive visitors and search engines will drop your ranking. On-site SEO should always be top of mind. As your website grows, remember that good on-site (or technical) SEO is the foundation for any successful SEO strategy. Also, having a responsive website is essential. In 2019, 80% of users used a mobile device to search the internet. Besides, your site in 2021 should be using several security measures such as an SSL security certificate (HTTPS). This is both for ranking and for customers to have confidence in your website’s security. If your website gets hacked, it will have a big impact on your brand. Check the health of your website for free by simply pasting the URL here, with no other characters, and wait for the magic to happen!


Regular analysis of your site with these free website tools will ensure your site always performs at its best. If you’ve found this analysis useful, you may even want to do it once a month. Constant small improvements are the most direct path to a high-performing website.  

SEO and its relevance in business digital marketing

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SEO, what does it really mean?

SEO is a vital tool for digital marketing but what exactly is it? Is SEO useful for businesses? SEO simply means Search Engine Optimization. It consists of multiple strategies, which have the end goal of improving your website’s position in search engines. This is why it’s called “search engine optimization.”

Types of SEO

  1. On-page
  2. Off-page


On-page consists of anything you can control on your own website to improve your rankings. Site speed, keyword presence, header text and content are examples of on-page SEO. For example, keywords must be well-researched, carefully chosen and used in your content in order to be effective. Keywords are words and phrases that prospects use to find content online. Brands use keywords to connect with prospects who are looking for their products and services.

When researching keywords, it is advisable to use those with high search rates and low competition. Short-tailed (such as food), long-tailed (such as foods that are delicacies), and local keywords (such as food delicacies in Ghana) are good for your content. Your content must also be educational, compelling, relevant and shareable to attract prospects. Content can include videos, infographics, social media posts, and local listings.


Off-page consists of anything that happens away from your site. Generally, this only refers to links. The current best practices include guest blogging, creating compelling infographics and mentioning influencers. By appropriately implementing the components of on-and off-page factors, you’ll rank high in search engines. 

Is SEO important for businesses and digital marketing?

Are you in an industry where there’s little to no competition? Are you already ranking #1, and wondering if there are options to keep you visible always? No matter the business you own, if it has a website, then SEO is crucial for its success online. Even if you are the only one in your industry, SEO is still important. 

Importance of SEO to businesses

SEO will increase your visibility and boost your business profits.

  1. Investing in your business’s SEO, is making direct investment in its visibility and profitability. Regardless of the future, you can count on that visibility to help your business prosper.
  2. Search engine is valuable tool for brand awareness and positioning yourself as a trustworthy expert in your field.
  3. It also helps to know that once customers visits your website, then they have an interest in your services. Hence, saves you time in convincing them to patronize your product.
  4. Search Engine Optimization rewards your business for its efforts at a higher rate compared to all the other forms of online marketing.
  5. It is relatively cheap in the grand scheme of things. 
  6. A strong search engine can also leave lasting impacts many years ahead.

Finding the right SEO firm for your business

The SEO industry is constantly evolving. You need to stay on top of trends in order to maintain your rankings. You need a reputable and reliable partner that fully understands your business. A partner that will work with you to reach more people and make sales online. When selecting SEO firm to work with, examine their pricing, area of expertise and clients published testimonials.

Choose SEO Digital Ghana as Your Trusted Partner

Are you looking for a trusted and reliable SEO company to get you on top of search engine rankings? Kindly call/WhatsApp us on +233 050 66 43 847 NOW! Our experts are always available to speak with you and answer all your questions,

Global SEO And Local SEO – Understand Which Works Better For Your Business

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Global or International SEO is the international search engine optimization process which is intended to influence your online business presence to target the audience on worldwide levels. Global SEO services are the organic SEO services which are composed and targeted around global keywords/phrases. Not at all like the global SEO, local SEO procedure of improving the web business so it could be pitched and promoted in the local target people. There are a few kinds of local SEO services offered under the cost-effective SEO packages. These package arrangements will increment online business in internet searcher maps, Google maps, Google local posting and some more. When you are not kidding about influencing powerful base of your business in the local business to advertise, at that point selecting local SEO Company Melbourne would be the best intends to proceed. In one sentence, local SEO services are offered to make the more grounded business base in the local markets.

Make your site target Audience friendly:

When formulating a decent web SEM get ready for a site, the area of the business and its targeted audience group need to be considered to settle on the best advertising choices. At the point when just working in a specific location, is regularly not important to attract clients outside of that region which needs to be reflected in any strategies and efforts of optimization. Instead of sitting around idly and waste your energy on global advertising campaigns against other worldwide contenders, group organizations will improve by focusing all their efforts on achieving adjacent clients, the ones who really purchase the service or product.

Targeted Location Is Everything:

When promoting just to a territorial gathering of people, it is standard to utilize a town, city or other local names as a feature of the site’s name or URL. That territory name needs to be utilized however much as could reasonably be expected without trying too hard wherever possible, expanding the progressions when recorded of being shown for that inquiry. Put area names in keywords, Meta tags, meta descriptions and unquestionably inside the body content. All content needs to obviously stay intelligible and sound normal; though, the more places that the area is set, the better it is for local SEO campaigns.

Business Directory Listings:

Google, Bing, and Yahoo all offer free professional listing postings, which need to be utilized by each organization. These business-to-professional references are the web adaptation of a provincial telephone directory, giving postings where local clients can discover important data. Such a posting likewise builds the chances that an organization will come to a question that consequently restricts rivalry to organizations inside the quick region. Make efforts to incorporate a local organization posting on any zone registry so regardless of where individuals looking, that local organization’s name will be incorporated into the outcomes. Make sure that each branch or area of a similar business has its own particular website page with the goal that each different branch has its own particular registry posting.

Working towards right type of SEO:

Despite the fact that smaller organizations normally advertise just to a quick region, it is as yet vital to monitor overall SEO campaign, such changes in strategies and keyword ubiquity. Site analysis can demonstrate what terms are being looked and from what zones keeping in mind the end goal to enhance the positioning of keyword for a site; terms can simply be changed for the local. Obviously, attempting worldwide SEO efforts is flawlessly find and can even expand the believability of a location focused business.

Targeted Advertising:

Along with all the techniques said above, paying for some targeted marketing efforts can incredibly enable SEO since such advertisements to will just show when questions from inside a foreordained territory are put. It results in hits will expand page rank and return leads from the targeted regions where the purchasing will more probable happen. The principal thought of local SEO is that there is extremely no reason to utilize bigger assets that are essential while focusing on local areas will probably show signs of improvement for small ventures. All things considered, how much better it will be to contact Platinum SEO Services the perfect SEO Company Ghana doing the real buying than to achieve the whole world that won’t purchase in reality.