Great Tips To Video Marketing

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Video marketing is a kind of video created and posted online to advertise your business. When we talk about video marketing, some people think only about YouTube. But, videos can be shared anywhere on social media like Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, and Instagram.

Taking a giant leap from traditional marketing to digital marketing can be a little bit daunting, especially if you don not know what you are doing. Research has proved that businesses who push their presence online are becoming strong and attracting new customers everyday.

How this is achieved has been through the formulation of a video marketing technique. Video marketing has proven to be an engagement recipe that  keep customers on their toes.

Just last year, about 97% of our clients who were using  videos to market their products  reported an increased on user retension and understanding of their products/services. 78% said they saw a result increase on their ROI. 76% say that these videos technique enhanced their traffic and sales.

However, the most challenging part is how to create these great videos for marketing. Having a good strategy will make everything easier and more classic. These are some video marketing tips that will help increase your traffic and conversation.

  •  Keep Your Story Compelling

If you’re a starter, you should ensure that your video is interesting. People want something new and wonderful. Sharing the same video in all your websites will not add up well which means you’ll not receive your desired results. Basically, brand videos offer freedom of showing off your value to your target customers. Therefore, creating inspiring and compelling videos is key. It illustrates humanity at its best.

  • Utilize The First 10 Seconds Well

The sure way to attract customers is going straight to the point within the first 10 seconds. Basically, most internet users use a short time watching videos. The first seconds will determine if they’ll continue watching or not. Ensure in the first 10 seconds you’ve given the reason why they should watch as the first impression is always the most important to capture their attention and proceed further.

  •  Add A Call To Action

All the marketing content requires a call to action and therefore, video is no different. Many marketers place their call to action at the end. You can keep the viewers engaged by including another call to action somewhere in the middle of the video.

  • Optimization

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is very critical in video marketing. Before you upload the video to any site, you should host it on your domain. How you describe your video speaks a lot when it comes to SEO. A good video description will make it accessible even to the deaf or those that rely on the screen. It also makes Google’s search engine understand the content in it.

  • Share your video

Of course, sharing is a must to get more viewers. However, ensure that you share the video in areas where your target audiences are to get the best possible results.

The above tips should basically help you in marketing your content. Just create awesome content and use the right strategy. The whole idea for this strategy is focusing on sharing informative knowledge rather than just selling all the time. This is also great in building long term relationship with the prospects.

Powering up The Social Media Content With Visual Marketing

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visual marketingIn laymen terms, Visual marketing is the art of creating photos, videos, graphics or even GIFs for various web portals. It is the key to seeking attention and getting information seen and shared by more and more web users. While marketing persuades the consumer to buy, visual marketing on the other end enhances this factor by increasing the tendency to recall, memorize and identify. Here are a few tips and tricks to empower the social media content with visual marketing:

Build Trust:

Visuals create more promising image amongst the audience regarding a brand as compared to the text on the other hand. They’ll instantly get what you are trying to advertise through your online content. It’s not necessary to copy anybody’s style but what is necessary is to stick to a style and take it forward with all the audiences of the company.

Define your Brand Identity:

Every brand has a unique characteristic feature to differentiate itself from that of other brands, sticking to that similar theme one needs to create visuals that further clarify the ideal message of the brand in the minds of its target audience. Remember, work with brand identity never ends; once you are done establishing your brand identity in the social media channels, it’s important to be consistent to stay relevant in the market.

Stay recognizable:

To stand out from the crowd the main idea is to stay original and innovative. The more you interact with the crowd with original content, the more close relation you will be able to create with them. It’s easy to earn likes on social media but to earn loyal followers and customers, the company needs to make true efforts for both online and offline channels.

Include how-to-do and other call-to-action elements:

To make your social pages more engaging; inculcate information with graphics or videos that reminds them of the brand, each time they get a glimpse of it. This will make the people stay up close to the brand as they will get to learn something or the other each time they visit the page. To promote these how-to tutorials and call-to-action videos, one can even engage in the audience by sharing teaser beforehand, thus creating good hype well in advance before actually posting the real thing. Make sure to have catchy captions that are relevant to the graphics or videos have been shared and also to the message that the company is aiming to share.
By leveraging our clients with customized marketing communication services that include Public Relations, Community Management, Brand Communications, and Digital Marketing for startups as well as for established brands. From lifestyle to Art & Culture and IT to Healthcare, Seoghana provides 360-degree branding and online visibility solutions to a vast array of businesses.