5 Things Your Marketing Team Will Thank You for Outsourcing

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Have you ever gone overboard at a buffet? You’re standing in line, and the sight of those endless trays of macaroni and cheese, fried chicken tenders, and random cuts of steak alongside the classic chocolate fountain is so overwhelming that you fill up multiple plates of food. Then, you sit down at your table and realize you can’t possibly eat it all (or, at least, eat everything and still feel OK about yourself afterward). That’s kind of like the situation marketers find themselves in. Your marketing team is responsible for a seemingly endless list of goals: staying on top of industry trends,generating leads, enabling sales, building your brand, and keeping track of plenty of other critical elements of your company’s success. It can be tempting to simply add another part-time or full-time employee to the mix, though that doesn’t always make sense for your goals or your budget. Plus, what kind of pressure would that person feel, knowing that she’s expected to fill all the gaps? When to Share Your Plate If you want to achieve your marketing goals, you have to consider whether your team is truly set up for success. With the fourth quarter just around the corner and a new year on the horizon, it’s time to analyze your ability and capacity — and potentially consider outsourcing the tasks you’re just not able to execute right now. Outsourcing can save you time and money, and it frees up your team to focus on its primary strengths, which is good for your team members, your marketing efforts overall, and your bottom line. Here are five responsibilities your marketing team will thank you for outsourcing: 1. Social media management Social media has evolved from a way to pass time between friends and family members to a billion-dollar business. If you’re not doing it well, you’ll be watching as your competitors zoom by in this space. You have lots of free social media tools at your disposal if you’re just getting started, but once your presence is off the ground and in flight, a social media partner isn’t a bad idea. Outside experts will strategize, execute, and analyze your data, which allows you to obtain the right boost in engagement from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and other hot-ticket platforms. 2. Content marketing Most companies don’t do an amazing job of consistently creating and distributing engaging content coming from their internal experts and thought leaders. It’s nearly impossible for brands to do content marketing well completely on their own, especially when you remember that doing it well includes producing consistent blog articles, guest posts, whitepapers, and email campaigns alongside the documented content strategy that actually guides all these moving parts. In general, marketers would do well to partner with an outside agency that can help them create, distribute, and analyze content professionally and at scale. Because most companies can’t afford to do it consistently well over time, an external partner could be your new best friend. 3. Public relations By no means is public relations a do-it-yourself venture, especially in the era of content and social media. Today’s public relations movers and shakers understand how to manage and maintain relationships with reporters, publication contributors, industry influencers, online editors, and many others. They’ve kept up with PR trends and stayed far ahead of the curve. Why would you add learning all those nuances to your expanding to-do list when you could rely on a partner whose job it is to look for ways to promote your company to your audience? 4. Video production No one likes crappy videos. And while no one is expecting you to produce Oscar-worthy videos, you should make sure they’re done right. This trend isn’t going away anytime soon, and you can’t ignore it. It’s spreading across the internet, into all your social media feeds, and it’s in high demand by consumers. Fortunately for your brand and your audience, you don’t have to rely on a team without video production credentials to throw together its best attempt at video if you outsource to the right partner. 5. Development Sure, website development can be pricey, but if you’re not a digital design and user experience (UX) expert yourself, it’s probably best for you to move out of the way. Your website and all the owned digital assets it houses are elements of your marketing and branding that evolve over time; as you grow, rebrand, and add new products and services, your website will need to keep up. Bring someone into the fold who can professionally provide these services rather than add them to the list for your marketing team. When your marketing teammates’ to-do list is as endless as any good buffet’s meal options, they’re going to have a hard time prioritizing and achieving their most important goals. Encourage your team to select the responsibilities they’re best suited for and most capable of executing, and outsource what you can so no one has to consistently feel like her plate is overflowing.

5 Ways To Use Facebook To Grow Your E-Commerce Business

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facebook ecommerceThe sheer number of social media users grows every day, and thus, leveraging your social media accounts to garner sales can be very lucrative. However, with each social media network being so unique, it can be difficult to stay on top of all the different methods of marketing your business. With Facebook’s advertising revenue amounting to 26.9 billion US dollars in 2016 alone, it’s obvious that the competition for your consumer’s attention is fierce. So how can you use Facebook to grow your e-commerce business? Before you even start, decide whether or not Facebook is the right social platform to focus your efforts on. Keep in mind that American women and men between the ages of 25 – 54 make up 32% and 29% of Facebook users, respectively. Your target age group should correlate with that of the social platform you spend your marketing dollars on.

Reveal Promotions Or Events Exclusively On Facebook

Sharing the same information across all social media platforms doesn’t give users a reason to check all of your accounts. For example, if a user is prone to use Twitter most of the time, and they know your company posts the same info across all channels, they have no incentive to go to your Facebook page. By designating certain aspects of your business to each social media platform, you can teach your customers to peruse through your multiple social media accounts. You may want to share upcoming in-person events solely on Facebook, while sharing promotions strictly on Twitter. This also allows you to cater information to each platform’s unique audience, making the experience even better for users. If you gather data and analyze your customers’ behaviors, you can really personalize the social media experience by age group. Let’s say you analyze your sales and find that customers over 20 years of age are more likely to use coupons and promo codes, you can then decide to share discounts on platforms like Snapchat, where the user base is much younger.

Share Unique And Timely Content

Of all the social media options, Facebook is a great marketing tool because it doesn’t limit characters or the timeframe that posts appear on your page. Because of this, you can create unique content and share it on your Facebook page, whether it be a links to your company’s blog post or lengthly posts written right onto your page. The more traction you get on your posts the more frequently your posts will appear in your follower’s newsfeeds. Writing unique content that is related to current events is a great way to garner attention and is more likely to be shared. Be sure to keep your page interesting and engaging by incorporating different types of posts. You never want your page to be overly promotional, as that defeats the purpose of social media. You want followers to feel like they are a part of the conversation, and not as though they are looking at an ad. The rule of thirds suggests that the best way to keep users engaged is to ensure your posts fall into one of these three categories in equal frequency:
Share content from the web Promote your own content or product Encourage audience engagement

Target Your Ads

The number one benefit of Facebook is their robust advertising platform. Whether you post to your page regularly or not, I would recommend creating targeted ads and A/B testing to get the most out of your ad spend. You can target your ads based on user’s location, demographics, age, gender, interests, behavior, the list goes on and on. Facebook users like 4.1 million posts every minute, proving that if you can get the right content in front of the right audience, you can obtain massive reach and engagement. It’s easier said than done, of course, but with Facebok’s targeting you can really narrow down who will be exposed to your ad, and therefore, the chances for success are much greater.

Get In Front Of Your Audience With Retargeting Pixel

We’ve all had that feeling when you repeatedly notice a newly learned word or phrase shortly after learning it. All of a sudden it seems to be everywhere. The Facebook retargeting pixel does exactly that, but in a very strategic and productive manner. This is an underutilized, but very powerful tool that works by following your leads around the web. Once someone has visited your site, you can retarget that user with your ad in their newsfeed. In advertising, effective frequency is the number of times a person needs to be exposed to your advertising message before they take action. With retargeting you can ensure users are exposed to your ads enough times that they become familiar with your brand or product. In addition, you can segment your retargeting efforts based on their level of interest. For example, if a customer visits your product page and exits the site, you may want to retarget them differently than someone who places an item in the shopping cart but doesn’t complete their purchase.

Provide Service Through Social

You can provide excellent service and keep in touch with your customers via Facebook live chat right on your website. Depending on which platform your site is built on, you can get this feature through an extension, plug in, or an app. Since Facebook chat is reliable and has proven to handle a very large audience, this can be a better option that installing any other third party extension. Not to mention, majority of people are already familiar with how it works, and it doesn’t have any costs associated with it or any limits to how many people you can chat with at once. A lot of other extensions don’t offer this level of flexibility in their free versions. This not only gives customers the option of chatting with you if they have a product or service question, but also promotes your Facebook page inadvertently. Once the customer is chatting with you, they are more likely to check out your Facebook page and either follow or engage. Jia is the CEO and Founder of Studio 15, a socially responsible fashion brand. Follow her on Twitter @JiaWertz and LinkedIn | Source:forbes

The Top Hopes and Fears of Would-Be Small Business Owners

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Gaining greater independence is the top reason people say they would start a small business, according to recent research from Paychex. The report was based on data from a survey of 1,000 would-be small business owners in the US. Some 78% of respondents say they would start a small business in hopes of becoming more independent; 64% say they would start a small business because they think they would love it. Just 53% of would-be entrepreneurs say making a lot of money would be one of their top motivations for starting a small business. Some 82% of respondents say their biggest fear in starting a small business is that it would fail; 68% are worried that their business would not make much money. Source: marketingprofs.com

6 Types of Bosses and How to Work With Them (Infographic)

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bosses typesFrom a visionary to a commander, there are different types of bosses. By understanding the leadership style of your manager, you’ll be able to work with them better and create a path for success. If your boss is a “visionary,” then they’re likely dreaming big things but having trouble acting on their thoughts. To assist this type of leader, help them understand their goal and create a clear path to achieving it. Another type of boss is a “coach.” This person likes to motivate and push employees to reach their maximum potential. When working with them, it’s important to be honest, realistic and straightforward. If you’ve got a “pacesetter” for a boss, a person who likes to set challenges for their employees and expects the best outcomes, you should be prepared to work extremely hard and constantly update your boss on your progress. From the coach to the visionary, it’s important to understand your boss to ensure success. To learn more, check out Quid Corner’s infographic below. boxes types

The future of digital marketing

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seoghana The effectiveness and the rise in the use of social media is going to see a major increase in 2018 where majority of these platforms are going to receive a massive monetization. Digital platforms and the use of social media has become a basic necessity where people can’t just do away without. As a necessity evil, people meet on the various social media platforms to share ideas, memories or to have fun, But as a basic necessity, where the number of users keep on increasing with different interest of discussions, it has now become a basic tool for advertisers to take as a major opportunity to market their goods and services. If you take a look at Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn which are the widely most used social media platforms, one could see that all of them has a way of generating money , even the almighty Google.   This money generated is mostly from advertisers and digital marketers who want to push their products out there for target acquisition or creating awareness. So what does this tell us? This make it clear that  before  Jack Dorsey (founder of Twitter), Mark Zuckerberg (founder of Facebook), Chad Hurley, Jawed Karim, Steve Chen ( founder of Youtube), Larry PageSergey Brin ( founder of google), Reid Hoffman, etc ( founder of LinkedIn) put aboard these social media platforms they had advertisers in mind. Advertisers equals to getting an effective digital marketer who can really make these social media platforms generate high ROI once you decide to use them. In the year 2020, the most vibrant and well sought after job position would be digital marketers since they would be the horsepower to spearhead a companies ability to perform on non-perform at its online presence. From Hubspot, The table below shows a research and survey of how the various social media platforms is being used and hiow they tend to rise with the impending years.
credit: hubspot
The rate of change in social media and its marketing is such that the industry is simultaneously one of the most exciting and challenging in business. From mobile usage to ad blockers, new trends emerge constantly and digital marketers can often feel like they’re playing catch up. Staying ahead of trends is now one of the most integral facets of a digital marketers work, as consumer behavior and new technology necessitates a change in approach with startling frequency. To dot this and make your company thrive with convertible leads you would need effective digital marketers. Hitherto marketing has become increasingly a digital. On average, 60% of a marketers’ time is devoted to digital marketing activities, a number that will only increase as companies move further down the line of digital transformation. 71% of companies planned to increase their digital marketing budgets this year, and it seems the vast majority are ready to go all in on honing their efforts to reach consumers on both mobile and desktop. There are many opportunities to exploit and issues to tackle, like user experience, personalization, mobile engagement, and video strategy, as well as new techniques in more traditional areas like email marketing and SEO.