SEO Ghana has been honored with an award at the MEA Markets’ seventh annual African Excellence Awards- 2024.

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Big News !!

SEO Ghana has been honored with  the prestigious award at the MEA Markets’ seventh annual African Excellence Awards- 2024.

We are happy to announce that SEO Ghana has won the African Excellence Awards 2024 for Most Reliable Digital Marketing Company in Ghana. This prestigious award emphasizes our dedication to quality, creativity, and major contributions to the economic growth of the African continent.

In its sixth year, MEA Markets has presented the prestigious awards program known as the African Excellence Awards. It honors companies that have made a significant contribution to the economic and social progress of Africa and celebrates their exceptional accomplishments. This year’s awards program addressed a wide range of companies in different industries and sectors, from start-ups to major international firms.

Seoghaa for the third time has been recognized for our unwavering dedication to Digital Marketing , showcasing our resilience and adaptability in the face of global challenges. This award is a testament to the hard work and commitment of our team, and our continuous efforts to drive innovation and excellence within the Digital Marketing sector.

The Company CEO, Evans T. Ampofo expressed, “We are incredibly proud to receive this prestigious award from MEA Markets.” In addition to honoring our accomplishments, this acknowledgment also celebrates our shared goal of promoting the growth and development of companies around the world. We are motivated to pursue our goals and keep improving the communities we work in by it.

Showcasing exceptional standards and accomplishments within the various business environment of the continent, the African Excellence Awards 2024 bring together the greatest minds in African industry. With the goal of honoring companies that are committed to the economic and social development of Africa, MEA Markets seeks to promote resilience and growth.

As we celebrate this significant milestone, SEO Ghana remains committed to pushing the boundaries of innovation and excellence. We look forward to continuing our journey, driving progress, and making meaningful contributions to the African business community.

For more information about the African Excellence Awards 2024 and the complete list of winners, please visit MEA Markets Awards.

About SEO Ghana

SEO Digital is a multiple award winning  creative media and inbound marketing firm operating from Ghana and the UK. Staffed by digital marketers and marketing professionals with international expertise, the company excels in digital advertising and social media marketing. Our mission is to improve search rankings, attract niche-based customers, and build brand trust for businesses in Ghana, Africa, and globally.

We specialize in
  • Digital Marketing
  • Media Advertising
  • Public Relation
  • Branding
  • Web & App Development
  • PPC Advertising
  • Social Media Management
  For more information, please visit SEOGhana.  

Favicon: Small But Mighty For Brand Awareness

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What is a favicon?

A favicon (pronounced “fave-icon”) is a small iconic image that represents a website in web browsers. If you take a look at the address bar of your browser right now, I’m sure you’ll see several favicons. Well-designed ones are styled to feature a logo, the first letter of the company name or simply an image that reflects the specifics of the website it represents. In the small chance that a website doesn’t have a favicon, the browser will display a generic browser symbol. Here are examples from famous brands: Favicons: Examples from world-known brands Which of these favicons do you recognise? While favicons may seem small and insignificant, having one can make a huge difference in terms of user experience and online branding. In this post, we’ll figure out where favicons come from, what kinds are used in modern browsers, and how to create one for your website.

Why is a favicon important for your brand?

Favicons attract user attention and boost brand awareness. If users visit a website with a memorable favicon a couple of times, they will then easily distinguish it from others in the future. Think about a famous brand you interact with daily—like Facebook or Instagram—you should be able to easily picture its favicon with your eyes closed. Again, If you‘re like me and tend to keep dozens of tabs open simultaneously—ultimately being unable to read their names—favicons are your best friends that make finding the website you need much easier. The favicons for Facebook and Twitter have look exactly like their respective logos. So, does it mean that all you need is to minimize your logo image and upload it onto your website? Let’s dive deep into all the technical details and talk about what it takes to create a favicon.

What type of image is a favicon? 

Although most modern browsers will recognize PNG, GIF, and JPG formats for favicons, Internet Explorer currently does not. It is recommended to use the Microsoft ICO format, which works in all browsers.

What size should your favicon be? 

Another good reason to use the ICO format is that it can contain multiple favicons of different sizes in one ICO file. It is best to have, at minimum, a 16×16 pixel version. I usually include 32×32 and 48×48 versions as well. That way, if users drag the bookmark to their desktop they will see a nicely scaled version of the icon instead of the 16×16 version stretched out. Google recommends going with the largest possible resolution of 192×192. At the moment, Google simply stretches existing low-resolution favicons when a bigger size is required. As a result, all of the images look blurry and take away from the user experience.

General tips to consider

So, if you don’t want to lose out on clicks, consider “upgrading” your site’s favicon. And here are some general guidelines you should stick to:
  • Use a square icon.
  • A favicon should represent only your brand and not contain inappropriate symbols (like swastikas) — otherwise, Google will not show it and will use the generic symbol instead.
  • Favicon file should be accessible to Google crawlers.

How to create a favicon

Although there are many ways to create favicons, the easiest is to use an online tool. Use an existing image of, for example, your logo and upload it to an online generator like a site heaalth checker. Once you download the generated favicon, all that’s left is to add it to your site. 

How to link to your favicon

Now that you’ve created a nice little favicon, you need to tell web browsers and other applications where to find it. Adding this line to the <head> section of your HTML will ensure that your favicon will be found: The location of the favicon isn’t really important, as long as the href attribute is accurate. Most are, however, placed in the root directory (the directory that contains the homepage). Keep in mind that it is not necessary to have multiple instances of the same favicon on one website. If you add a favicon without linking to it within your HTML, you may notice that some browsers will still find and display it. This only occurs if the favicon is in the root directory. It isn’t good to rely on this method, so if you want to make sure that applications will see your favicon, <link> to it!


Favicons help websites stay afloat in the vast ocean of online resources, plus make them more attractive and professional in the eyes of the visitors. If you need any help with yours, turn to our website audit for help. Among other things, it can run a full technical check-up for your website that includes finding your favicon. Well, your favicon is a very small detail that can affect the public perception of your site and brand, their recognition and even the volume of traffic it gets from search, so don’t underestimate it.  It’s worth every second that you invest in it.  

Meta Description: Writing The Perfect One

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Writing the perfect meta description

If you have already audited your website and have walked here to understand how meta-description works, I’m here to help remove that confusion. This article will cover everything you need to know about the basics of meta- descriptions and what makes a perfect one. You’ll also learn why your site’s meta descriptions are so important, as well as the best length for your meta descriptions (especially taking into account Google’s changing policies) and some great meta description examples.

What is a meta tag?

A meta tag is an HTML element that provides information about a webpage for search engines and website visitors. Two elements must be placed as tags in the <head> section of an HTML document. These elements are:
  • Title tag
  • Meta description
We’ve already discussed title tags in a separate post, and now, let’s move straight into meta descriptions

What is a meta description?

The meta description is the short paragraph of text placed in the HTML of a webpage that describes its content. This is also known as a snippet. The meta description appears under your page’s URL in Google’s organic search results. The meta description will often appear when people share your articles across other websites and social channels. 

Where is meta description added?

You can add a meta description in the <head> section of your site’s HTML. It should look something like this: <head> <meta name=”description” content=”Here is a precise description of my awesome webpage.”> </head> Here are examples:   "<yoastmark   "<yoastmark If you use an SEO plug-in, that comes with a content management system, you can add a meta description to the ‘meta description’ section, and you can preview an example of how it will look in search engine results pages (SERPs): Preview of meta description in WordPress  

Why is the meta description important?

Since meta descriptions appear with your title and URL on the results pages, they have the power to influence the decision of the searcher as to whether they want to click through on your content from search results or not. The more descriptive, attractive, and relevant the description, the more likely someone will click through.  Research has shown that having your content focus keyword in the meta is a relevant signal for search engines to discover you. 

How to write a perfect meta description?

A great meta-description will compel the reader to visit your website and read more. Here’s an example of what it usually looks like. 

1. Keywords

Do make sure your most important keywords for the webpage show up in the meta description. Often search engines will highlight it in bold as a clue to where it finds the searcher’s query in your snippet.

2. Write legible, readable copy

This is essential. Keyword stuffing your meta description is bad and it doesn’t help the searcher, as well as robots, discover you well. They’ll assume your result leads to a spam or phishing website, so make sure your description reads like a normal, human-written sentence.

3. Treat it as an advert for your web page

Make it as compelling and as relevant as possible. The description MUST! match the content on the page, but you should also make it as appealing as possible. That is what we call SEO copywriting.

4. Length

Google cuts off the displayed description tag at about 150 characters but may index up to 185 characters. Other engines may index up to 250 characters, but will still only display about 150. Therefore, try to say what you’ve got to say in 150 characters or less, but feel free to use up to 180, and even up to 250 if you’re not concerned with the entire thing getting indexed by all the search engines. Aim for about 1-2 sentences (140-160 characters) long

5. Keyphrase

Use your primary keyphrase at the beginning of your description tag, giving it higher “keyword prominence”. Don’t overuse your keyphrase though, or it can be considered “webspam”. Higher than zero keyword prominence is good, but higher still is not always better.

6. Use natural-sounding language

Use proper grammar, and try to peak interest in the subject. Also, consider making an actual “offer” in your description tag. Remember, you want the reader to click your ad, but not just to record impression. Now let me ask you? how many times have you skipped over a search result because the two lines of text you see (the description tag) in the SERPS looked gibberish?

7. Do not duplicate meta descriptions

As with title tags, the meta descriptions must be written differently for every page. Google may penalize websites that indulge in mass duplicating of meta descriptions.

 Examples of good meta descriptions

Since you only have 160 characters to work with, writing a great meta description takes more than just throwing a few words together. To help you get your creative juices flowing, here are some examples for your inspiration.

Helpful online tool for checking your meta descriptions

Below is a helpful tool that you can use to test your meta descriptions as you write them. SEO Analyzer— This tool analyses the health of a website. It will provide you with a list of issues that makes it easy to see where exactly a website is struggling, including missing and duplicate meta descriptions:


Remember, the primary reason for a perfect description tag is NOT so you can rank higher, (since Google, for example, is currently not using the description tag in their algorithm). The primary reason for a good description is to compel the reader to click on you, instead of the competitor.  

Defining Title Tags Rightly To Appear In Search Results

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  Defining title tags rightly is very crucial for your business. The title tags in SEO are the title of your document to your most important types of readers; people and robots. The page title is used by search engine algorithms to decide the order when listing pages in search results. Title tags are shown in the browser’s title bar or in the page’s tab and are the most prominent and noticeable part of a SERP result. The contents of a page title are very important for search engine optimization (SEO).  People need to know what they can expect to find on your page when they click the link.

What are Title Tags?

The <title> tag defines the title of the document. Your title tag is the “headline” that people will see in the search results. It’s also one of the primary factors for the search engines in determining your ranking for a given search phrase, although that’s declining in importance. In the HTML code of your web page, they should appear as: <head> <title> Your Title Goes Here </title> </head> These titles can appear in:
  • Search engine results
  • Social media posts
  • Unfurled chat messages
  • Browser tabs

Why are title tags important?

Defining title tags are important because they let readers know what information will be present when a user clicks on a page. They also function to determine the relevancy of the web page as a result of a search query. If your title tags do not appeal to Google, then they may change it to better suit their/user needs. If this happens, you can bet it most likely won’t be to your liking.

Tips to defining your title tags

Here are some tips and best practices to ensure your title tags are optimized for crawlers and readers alike.

Your wording

  • Stay away from all capital letters in your title tag as they’ll use up more character space than lower case letters will and like emails, it is considered improper. Instead of the title, “BEST SELLING SHOE SHOPS IN GHANA” use “Best Selling Shoe Shops In Ghana”.
  • Search engines will display about 50-60 characters of the title, so try not to have titles longer than that. Keep your titles shorter. This makes for a nice headline for the SERPS and prevents the title from being cut off in the mid-sentence. Google has not specifically come out and said that title tags should be this length; however, if your title is longer than 60 characters, you risk the chance of it becoming cut off in the middle.
  • Avoid stop words in your title tags such as A, And, But, So, On, Or, The, Was, With, etc. Sometimes it might not seem impossible to have a title tag without stop words, but if you try different combinations of the same title, you can find them.

Your creativity

  • Write the title in plain English, using proper grammar, make it easily readable, and not just stuff a jumble of keywords in there. As a headline, it should captivate the reader’s attention and motivate them to click. What do you think is more effective to draw in a customer” “SEO Ghana  – Evans Stevens” or “SEO Ghana  – Secrets to Boosting Your Online Presence”?
  • Put in your most relevant and desired keywords you want to be ranked in the title, but don’t overdo it. Google can easily recognize keyword stuffing and may change the title of your web page if it feels you’re just throwing different variations of a keyword into it.
  • Having action words in your title tags can help entice users to click through. Some examples of action words often used in titles are: Get, Take, Boost, Learn, Make.
  • Try to feature your brand at the end of the title if there’s space. If not, shorten your page title and make space. Having your brand featured can further convince users that the web page is reputable, trustworthy, and has solid information. By using your company name in the title tag, you’re possibly also wasting space that could otherwise be used for a secondary persuasive keyword or phrase. What do you want here? New customers or bragging rights? You decide!


Title tags play an extremely important role and the way you use them can impact your SEO significantly. Use all the SEO tools at your disposal wisely and ensure that you’re getting the most out of each SEO facet, no matter how small it seems. Remember this is the headline for your search listing!  

SEO and its relevance in business digital marketing

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SEO, what does it really mean?

SEO is a vital tool for digital marketing but what exactly is it? Is SEO useful for businesses? SEO simply means Search Engine Optimization. It consists of multiple strategies, which have the end goal of improving your website’s position in search engines. This is why it’s called “search engine optimization.”

Types of SEO

  1. On-page
  2. Off-page


On-page consists of anything you can control on your own website to improve your rankings. Site speed, keyword presence, header text and content are examples of on-page SEO. For example, keywords must be well-researched, carefully chosen and used in your content in order to be effective. Keywords are words and phrases that prospects use to find content online. Brands use keywords to connect with prospects who are looking for their products and services.

When researching keywords, it is advisable to use those with high search rates and low competition. Short-tailed (such as food), long-tailed (such as foods that are delicacies), and local keywords (such as food delicacies in Ghana) are good for your content. Your content must also be educational, compelling, relevant and shareable to attract prospects. Content can include videos, infographics, social media posts, and local listings.


Off-page consists of anything that happens away from your site. Generally, this only refers to links. The current best practices include guest blogging, creating compelling infographics and mentioning influencers. By appropriately implementing the components of on-and off-page factors, you’ll rank high in search engines. 

Is SEO important for businesses and digital marketing?

Are you in an industry where there’s little to no competition? Are you already ranking #1, and wondering if there are options to keep you visible always? No matter the business you own, if it has a website, then SEO is crucial for its success online. Even if you are the only one in your industry, SEO is still important. 

Importance of SEO to businesses

SEO will increase your visibility and boost your business profits.

  1. Investing in your business’s SEO, is making direct investment in its visibility and profitability. Regardless of the future, you can count on that visibility to help your business prosper.
  2. Search engine is valuable tool for brand awareness and positioning yourself as a trustworthy expert in your field.
  3. It also helps to know that once customers visits your website, then they have an interest in your services. Hence, saves you time in convincing them to patronize your product.
  4. Search Engine Optimization rewards your business for its efforts at a higher rate compared to all the other forms of online marketing.
  5. It is relatively cheap in the grand scheme of things. 
  6. A strong search engine can also leave lasting impacts many years ahead.

Finding the right SEO firm for your business

The SEO industry is constantly evolving. You need to stay on top of trends in order to maintain your rankings. You need a reputable and reliable partner that fully understands your business. A partner that will work with you to reach more people and make sales online. When selecting SEO firm to work with, examine their pricing, area of expertise and clients published testimonials.

Choose SEO Digital Ghana as Your Trusted Partner

Are you looking for a trusted and reliable SEO company to get you on top of search engine rankings? Kindly call/WhatsApp us on +233 050 66 43 847 NOW! Our experts are always available to speak with you and answer all your questions,

Global SEO And Local SEO – Understand Which Works Better For Your Business

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Global or International SEO is the international search engine optimization process which is intended to influence your online business presence to target the audience on worldwide levels. Global SEO services are the organic SEO services which are composed and targeted around global keywords/phrases. Not at all like the global SEO, local SEO procedure of improving the web business so it could be pitched and promoted in the local target people. There are a few kinds of local SEO services offered under the cost-effective SEO packages. These package arrangements will increment online business in internet searcher maps, Google maps, Google local posting and some more. When you are not kidding about influencing powerful base of your business in the local business to advertise, at that point selecting local SEO Company Melbourne would be the best intends to proceed. In one sentence, local SEO services are offered to make the more grounded business base in the local markets.

Make your site target Audience friendly:

When formulating a decent web SEM get ready for a site, the area of the business and its targeted audience group need to be considered to settle on the best advertising choices. At the point when just working in a specific location, is regularly not important to attract clients outside of that region which needs to be reflected in any strategies and efforts of optimization. Instead of sitting around idly and waste your energy on global advertising campaigns against other worldwide contenders, group organizations will improve by focusing all their efforts on achieving adjacent clients, the ones who really purchase the service or product.

Targeted Location Is Everything:

When promoting just to a territorial gathering of people, it is standard to utilize a town, city or other local names as a feature of the site’s name or URL. That territory name needs to be utilized however much as could reasonably be expected without trying too hard wherever possible, expanding the progressions when recorded of being shown for that inquiry. Put area names in keywords, Meta tags, meta descriptions and unquestionably inside the body content. All content needs to obviously stay intelligible and sound normal; though, the more places that the area is set, the better it is for local SEO campaigns.

Business Directory Listings:

Google, Bing, and Yahoo all offer free professional listing postings, which need to be utilized by each organization. These business-to-professional references are the web adaptation of a provincial telephone directory, giving postings where local clients can discover important data. Such a posting likewise builds the chances that an organization will come to a question that consequently restricts rivalry to organizations inside the quick region. Make efforts to incorporate a local organization posting on any zone registry so regardless of where individuals looking, that local organization’s name will be incorporated into the outcomes. Make sure that each branch or area of a similar business has its own particular website page with the goal that each different branch has its own particular registry posting.

Working towards right type of SEO:

Despite the fact that smaller organizations normally advertise just to a quick region, it is as yet vital to monitor overall SEO campaign, such changes in strategies and keyword ubiquity. Site analysis can demonstrate what terms are being looked and from what zones keeping in mind the end goal to enhance the positioning of keyword for a site; terms can simply be changed for the local. Obviously, attempting worldwide SEO efforts is flawlessly find and can even expand the believability of a location focused business.

Targeted Advertising:

Along with all the techniques said above, paying for some targeted marketing efforts can incredibly enable SEO since such advertisements to will just show when questions from inside a foreordained territory are put. It results in hits will expand page rank and return leads from the targeted regions where the purchasing will more probable happen. The principal thought of local SEO is that there is extremely no reason to utilize bigger assets that are essential while focusing on local areas will probably show signs of improvement for small ventures. All things considered, how much better it will be to contact Platinum SEO Services the perfect SEO Company Ghana doing the real buying than to achieve the whole world that won’t purchase in reality.

How to Choose the Perfect Domain Name for your Business

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How much effort do you need to put while choosing a domain name for your business? Is it that important? Well, the answer is definitely a big yes. The domain name can make or break you. It is the key element of your website. Let’s see why it is that much important? It is the first impression: First impression is the last impression. Url is the first thing your users will see. A good and impressive website name makes a long lasting and positive impression. It highly affects SEO: While (EMD) exact match domains are no longer a need but having targeted keyword is still in demand. It helps in SEO ranking. It improves brand popularity: The right domain increases brand recognition. Now the question is how to choose a good web name? Easy over generic: Don’t forget, your domain name is how users and visitors will remember, find and share your business on the web. The site name is the foundation of your online presence and brand. Instead of having a new web name, it is better to go with an already existing domain. The existing site will definitely have high authority as compared to a new one. It will help in ranking good in the search engines. You can book the desired domain using several tools available like .in domain drop catch for India or if you are looking for the global market you can try .com drop catch. Easy to type: If I ask you to provide a list of 5 websites that comes first in your mind, your answer may be Google, Facebook, Amazon, Yahoo etc. Do you know why? Because these are easy to pronounce and type. Easy to type domain name saves users from mistyping and leads them to some other website. Never use numbers and hyphens: As I told you domain name should be easy to type and pronounce. Well, numbers and hyphens both make the domain name difficult. For example, let’s imagine Facebook. What if it had a hyphen in between Face and book (Face-book). Not good, right? So, never use hyphens and numbers while choosing a domain. Last but not the least, always choose the right domain extension. If your targeted audience is country specific that means if you are targeting Indian customers only, go with .in extension. These are some of the points one should consider while choosing a perfect domain name.